
胡敏雅思教材第7代 雅思阅读

雅思自主研发教材胡敏雅思教材第7代 雅思阅读

作 者: Els Van Geyte

编辑推荐:编辑推荐:本书优势及卖点:1) 全书分为三大部分:介绍部分、单元部分、答案部分。2) 前十一个单元:主题内容分析,单一题型训练,帮助考生逐个击破。3) 第十二单元:收录了一套完整的雅思阅 北京新航道教育文化发展有限责任公司出版专业英语考试图书和英





Els Van Geyte

Els Van Geyte在英国伯明翰大学的English for International Students Unit工作已经超过十年,讲授雅思考试策略以及学生完成选课所需要掌握的学术语言技能。

Unit Title     Topic     Exam focus Page number
 Introduction 4
 The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test  6
1 Family matters   Family and relationships Matching headings   8
2 Healthcare   Health and fitness Completing tables and diagrams   16
3 Getting an education   Education   Answering short-answer questions 24
4 Water Nature and the environment Matching sentence endings 34
5 Non-verbal clues   Language and communication Answering multiple-choice questions   42
6 Scientists at work Science and technology Completing sentences and diagram labels   50
7 The job market   Employment and finances Completing notes, summaries and flow charts 60
8 Twenty-somethings Youth Identifying information; Answering true/false/not given questions   68
9 Community spirit   People and places Matching information 78
10 On the move Holidays and travel Identifying writers’views or claims; Answering yes/no/not given questions 86
11 Cultural differences   Culture and modern society Matching features 94
12 Practice test 102
 Answer key 114
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