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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思考试 > 5月20日雅思考情有什么特别之处呢?


发布时间:2023-05-22 关键词:雅思考情


     考情提要5月20日的考试刚刚结束。今日P2部分能在杭州新航道内刊《新航道雅思听力速递机经》书本中找到。注意考情回顾只是大概信息,答案仅供参考,关键是积累背景、用词搭配以及考点。Part 1考察内容:儿童书店求职

  考察题型:填空题+配对题Questions 1-3 completion

  1. Address: 52, Acacia Avenue

  2. Postcode: 6RA 7BU

  3. Subject: Photography

  Questions 4-6 table completion


  7. Weekends: A8. After 7pm: C9. Holiday: A10. Lunch time: B本篇P1部分出现低概率题型—配对题,但难度不高,总体考察对于态度的判断。可参考剑桥7TEST4PART3以及剑桥8TEST3PART3题目。注意拼写,积累单词。本篇最早出现在2009年4月18日内地考试中。Part 2《新航道雅思听力速递机经》P2P3部分第129页第149篇考察内容:澳大利亚小岛旅游考察题型:填空+配对


  本篇考察单词不难,注意数字部分可能存在干扰考点。作为本次考试的第二组配对题,选项出现较多,核心考察对替换结合语境的判断。注意通过剑桥系列积累替换类型。Part 3考察内容:学术讨论考察题型:选择题本篇回忆暂缺Part 4考察内容:书写的历史考察题型:笔记填空题31. made of bones32. feathers33. use ink34. and paper35. to make it suitable for writing HB to mark how hard it is36. part is fixed by strings or steel37. producers marked a name on the pencil to38. the pencil core is thought to be lead39. made the mixture of graphite in a form of clay powder and wax40. remove unwanted base on the oil注意按照语境积累词汇和用词搭配。powder意为粉末,wax意为蜡。steel意为钢。lead意为铅。

  写作部分 作考情动态Task 1: 动态柱状图 1992到2002年间,一个城市四种生活垃圾的循环利用;占比( plastic, paper, glass, cans)



  Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful, but they are also likely to suffer from negative social consequences.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?那些有着长时间的国家往往在经济上更加成功,但是他们同样很有可能面临一些其他的社会问题。你多大程度上同意不同意?这道题大概是agree/disagree 题目中为数不多的写agree这道题,可以结合大部分国家的现实来看,比如我们中国经济发展和加班文化也是离不开的。这道题不是非常复杂的关系题型,大家只需要单纯论述利弊就可以了,特别是对于negative social consequences.Body 1 可以重点描述:longer working hours may increase productivity and efficiency, leading to higher levels of production and economic growth.Body 2: 可以对于but后面的问题进行具像化:Health and Well-being;Work-Life Balance;Gender Equality and Social Inclusion ;Decreased Productivity and Creativity:

  阅读部分 旧一新在5.20这个特殊的日子看看今天的雅思阅读是否爱我们呢?今天的阅读两旧带一新,p2为新题之外。p1和p3都是出现过多次的老题了。果然,上周六考了headings之后,今天没有再考heading题了,但接下来的考试还是需要做好准备哦。

  Passage 1 Violin小提琴

  出现:2016.19.21类别:艺术难度:题型配比:判断6+填空7参考答案:1-6为判断题 1. True2. True3. True4. Not Given 5. False6. False 7-13填空7. restored8. rings9. imperfections 10.glued 11.crack12. 待补充13. 待补充分析:今天的passage1其实有p1和p2两个版本,16出现是一篇p2,题型也不同,是headings➕填空的组合。以p1形式出现是在2021年4月29,今天是第二次出现。常规p1常规处理即可。Passage 2 Immune system免疫系统


  类别:生物难度:题型配比:段匹4+特殊词匹配5+填空4参考答案:暂缺分析:今天的p2是一篇新题,整体内容是什么导致了自体免疫的过度反应,举了一些过去农村小孩更不容易生免疫类疾病和空气污染是否对免疫类疾病的发病有影响,题型有段落大意匹配和人物讲述内容的匹配,是常规的细节匹配组合。Passage 3 Rebranding of Art Museums澳洲博物馆

  出现:2013.02.02类别:建筑难度:题型配比:单选4+判断5+句首配句尾5参考答案:27-30单选 D B C B31-35 判断 NO NO NG NG YES36-40 句首配句尾 F E C B D分析:由于信息较少,所以不确定今天的p3是否为同一篇,但最近几年考过的art museum相关只有这一篇了,最近一次考是在21年4月3日,题型也较匹配。今天的p3出现了句首配句尾,这个题型在真题中出现的不多,且难度较大,想练习的同学可以体会一下剑15T3P3“地狱难度”的句首配句尾,如果这个难度没有问题,考试中的就是小case啦!

  口语部分 考建议

  写在前面:本篇主要收录2023年5月的雅思纸笔口语和机考口语题目。请大家结合题库,本份预测进行构思、准备、演练。Part 1 2 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点优先准备。*重点优先按顺序准备题目,一边刷题库,一边整理语料,根据预测来高效准备,尽量考前确保所有预测都按顺序至少刷过一遍(文档结尾附备考建议)三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ AccommodationPart 1 必备考题Dream and ambition/Ice cream/Concentration/Fixing things/Friends/Favorite day /Rain/Day off/Bags/Teachers/Wild animals/Health/Language/Week/The city you live inStaying up/Music/Schools/Chocolate/Small business/Outer space and stars/Jewelry/Weekends/T-shirt/Keys/Happy/Library/Fast food /Noise/Art

  Part 2必备考题Describe a popular person Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new placeDescribe someone you know who often helps others Describe a famous person you like Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of peopleDescribe a car journey you had Describe a speech experience that you had Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood Describe an occasion when you got incorrect informationDescribe an occasion when you spent time with a young childDescribe an occasion when you got lost Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future Describe an important decision you have madeDescribe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of moneyDescribe a book that you have read many times Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger Describe a film you have recently seen that you hatedDescribe an invention Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearingDescribe a sports program you like to watch Describe a traditional festival in your country Describe a job that you think is interesting Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

  第二重点准备Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking withDescribe a character from a filmDescribe a person you have met who you want to work / study with Describe an interesting old person you metDescribe another city you would like to stay for a short time Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relaxDescribe a noisy place you have been toDescribe a place you visited where the air was pollutedDescribe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall / park)Describe an unusual meal you had Describe something that you did with someone / a group of people Describe the first day you went to school that you rememberDescribe a time when you taught a friend / relative somethingDescribe a time when you missed or late for a meeting Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use Describe a historical period you would like to know more Describe a website you often visit Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well备考tips:5月份的新题库已经开始更新,今天我们分享一道新季度出现的题目:Describe a traditional festival in your country传统节日是雅思考试中常考的基本内容,在这道话题中我们大部分同学会被传统部分影响,缺少对于传统习俗的表达描述, 但是口语part 1 part 2话题本质考察是日常内容表达,所以除了在传统习俗如 收春节的 放鞭炮 set off the fire crackers 收红包 receive the red packet from elderly, 贴春联 decoratedoor with spring couplets 或者端午节 赛龙舟dragon boat race以及元宵节 看灯展 lantern exhibition 等外 更多要结合自己熟悉的日常方面,如享受传统美食, dumpling 饺子, rice pudding 粽子, rice dumpling 元宵或者自己家乡的传统美食从准备到享用,甚至于家人相聚聊天或者打牌等日常内容扩展即可,重点要有自己的切身经历能够更好扩展细节。
