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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 7月22日雅思大作文示范写作 | 提高驾驶者年龄

7月22日雅思大作文示范写作 | 提高驾驶者年龄

发布时间:2023-07-25 关键词:雅思大作文示范写作



  The best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age of driving cars or motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 提高道路安全的最好办法是提高驾驶汽车或摩托车的法定年龄。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?



  Many societies have applauded raising the minimum age for obtaining a driving license as a strategy to combat rising road fatalities that have plagued both urban and suburban areas. While a simple increase in the age of drivers could hardly deal with this problem.




  applaud 赞许 v.

   combat rising road fatalities 应对不断上升的事故死亡率

   plague 困扰 v.

  Body 1

  Teen drivers, of course, may stoke fears of higher crash rates. Intoxicated by the freedom of vehicle mobility, these newly-licensed 16-year-olds tend to overestimate their driving skills, exceeding speed limit and chasing other cars too closely simply to show off. This inexperience and recklessness may end up being exacerbated when other peers are traveling in their automobile, talking or laughing; distraction inhibits young drivers from handling a hazardous situation that pops up. But age has no observable correlation with higher likelihood of automobile accidents; in most circumstances, hefty legal penalties serve as a deterrent to irresponsible driving.



   stoke 引发 v.

   intoxicated 沉醉于 adj.

   newly-licensed 刚拿到驾照的

   overestimate 高估

   being exacerbated 加剧

   inhibits 阻碍 v.

   observable correlation with 明显的相关性

   deterrent 威慑作用

  Body 2

  De facto, more inclusive measure should be adopted to address hazards of traffic in today’s society. Oversight of commuting by micro-mobility devices and e-scooters, whose use has exploded worldwide, should be prioritized by the authority. Expanding bicycle lanes, as well as slowing down speed limit could safeguard both scooter users and pedestrians on sidewalks, while barring e-scooters from riding in vehicle travel lanes where the speed limit for vehicles is alarmingly faster should be mulled. Furthermore, an upgrade in road network, such as intelligent lighting in tunnels, need to be in place to eliminate man-made errors to a bare minimum.



   inclusive 全面的 adj.

   address hazards of traffic 解决交通危害

   micro-mobility devices 微型移动设备

   e-scooters 电动滑板车

   exploded 爆炸式增长

   bicycle lanes 自行车道

   safeguard 保护 v.

   bar 禁止 v.

   mull 考虑 v.

   intelligent lighting in tunnels 智能照明

   man-made errors 人为错误

  Ending Paragraph

  To conclude, the long-term reduction in traffic mishaps rests in curbing utility of innovative mobilities and building of intelligent road network, rather than imposing an age minimum on license applicants.



   traffic mishaps 交通事故

  imposing an age minimum on 施加年龄限制
