

  2017年5月13日托福独立写作题目:Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child ( 5-10 years old ) ?1. being helpful 2. being honest 3. being well organized

  跟5到10岁小孩子分享一个价值观,你觉得下面哪个是最重要的:1. 乐于助人 2. 诚实待人 3. 组织能力强

  怎样去教育抚养孩子一直是托福考题的常客,虽说并不是每个人都身为人父人母,但是 ETS 爸爸似乎觉得每个考生在这个话题上都能长篇大论。从父母该不该帮助孩子完成家庭作业,到小孩子除了学数学等还要不要学美术和音乐,孩子的成长这类考题确实屡见不鲜,题目可以一路看到最后,我每次都在相关考题中列出了近三年的原题。

  每个人都是从小屁孩成长为翩翩君子或者窈窕淑女,不过真要我们在育儿上说出震古烁今的真谛,尤其是考场限时情况下,还真不是每个人都能做到的。幸运的是,这次5月13日的三选一考题又是一道变异题,所给三个选项都是之前考过的,尤其是第二个选项,being honest,关于诚实这个刷存在感的词,我在上次解析中就已经提到过,传送你过去一探究竟 ( 戳这里 ) 。



  It is obvious that at 5, a child is still learning new skills and increasing his or her development of physical, cognitive, language and social skills. By the time he or she reaches the age of 10, however, this child will stand on the cusp of adolescence and the changes of puberty may become increasingly apparent. Although at this period, children are becoming more mature in their thinking and reasoning, they still need support and advice. Thus, it is imperative for parents, other elder members of the family, or people outside the family such as teachers to share their opinions and values with these young children, though some children may begin to show irritation at adult-imposed restrictions. The most important value to share with a child ages 5 to 10, as far as I am concerned, is being helpful to others, regardless of the appearance, age, or sex.

  First and foremost, at this stage, children need to be encouraged to interact with other peers and enjoy group and team activities. As social creatures, human’s sense of identity is mainly based on being a member of the whole society. And at the crucial stage when children march on to be adolescents, there may be signs of growing interest in being a member of their peer groups. Sharing the value of being helpful with them matters tremendously as it may help them develop a sense of empathy and understanding; otherwise they may become too competitive to learn to cooperative in group settings and group games. It is highly likely that strong relationships with others would never be formed if they know nothing about respecting and helping others. In the long run, learning to be helpful can boost children's cognitive and language skills. This is because when the involvement in group activities increases, children may start enjoying using their communication skills to share simple stories with other children, or write letters or hold prolonged conversations their newly-made friends on the phone.

  Moreover, the value of helping others can be shared in a more tangible way. For instance, when Bob trips over a stone, Alvin's father can ask Alvin to walk over and help this poor boy up. Nevertheless, being honest and being well organized are not such concrete terms that children could fully comprehend. Let's say Bob steals food out of the fridge but is caught on the spot by his father. At this time, his father would have difficulty in explaining to his son that stealing is not right and being honest is what he should do, simply because at this age children are most concerned with things that are "real" rather than with ideas. Of course, parents could bombard their children with scolding or beating when they find their children being dishonest or badly organized (like playing computer games prior to finishing homework), yet they may still fail to be responsible for their own behaviors but could be as unreasonable as toddlers.

  In conclusion, being helpful is the most important value to be shared with a young child ages 5 to 10.



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