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介绍:A student proposes to the university to change the policy that prohibits eating in......



  University Should Allow Eating in Class

  A student proposes to the university to change the policy that prohibits eating in classrooms. At first students are not allowed to enjoy their meals in classes, especially in the morning classes and in the late afternoon classes. There are two reasons for advocating eating in classrooms. Firstly, when the students feel hungry, eating some snacks can help them get more energy, therefore be more concentrated. Secondly, if students are allowed to eat in classes, they can hold some class parties when the semester is over. It is a good way to get together and to have celebration.


  The man expresses his opinion of the student’s proposal. State his opinion and explain the reasons for holding that opinion.

  Preparation time:30 seconds

  Response time: 60 seconds


  一个变化 两个理由

  建 议 书



  I think/propose/suggest/oppose…

  建议书通常会有学生的签名 !




  University Pave Running Trails

  The university has about three miles of unpaved dirt running trails that pass through the forest near campus.I think these trails should be paved with cement.One reason for paving the trails would be to increase their safety. When it rains, the dirt turns to mud and becomes very slippery, so the runners who use them can slip and fall. Pavement would solve this problem. Also, paving would make the trails look nicer, which would encourage students to use them. Bumps in the trial would be smoothed out and weeds would be paved over, making the trail more attractive to runners.

  University Allow Eating in Class

  Currently, there is a university-wide policy that prohibits eating in the classroom. I disagree with this policy.I think students should be allowed to eat in class. This change would be good for two reasons. For one thing, if students were permitted to eat, they would be able to concentrate better, because students often get hungry during long classes, and hunger makes it difficult to concentrate. Also, if food were allowed in classrooms, it would be possible for us to have in-class parties on the last day of class---with snack foods and beverages---to celebrate the end of each semester.

  Keep the Music Building Open Later

  Currently, the campus music building which has practice rooms student can reserve for playing instruments closes nightly at nine p.m.I think the university should keep the building open until midnight.Often, student musicians want to practice their instruments later at night, and right now there’s no good place for them to do that. Also, lots of students want to use the practice rooms, so it is often difficult to reserve one. If the building were open more hours, though, it would be easier to accommodate the large number of students who want to reserve rooms.

  Bicycle Borrowing Program

  It’s great that the university has a program where students can borrow bicycles from the gym. However, two changes would make the program more convenient First, the borrowing period should be shortened to four hours maximum so that more bikes would be available when students want to borrow them. Second, currently, students who borrow bikes have to leave their student identification cards instead, so they don’t have to remember to bring cash.

  Student Health Services Need Improvement

  The situation at the health center is unacceptable: you sit in a crowded waiting room for hours waiting to get treatment for minor ailments. Then when it’s your turn, you get about three minutes with an overworked doctor. I have two suggestions. First, the health center needs to hire more doctors so that each patient receives quality treatment. And as far as the wait time issue is concerned, the health center is currently open only Monday through Fridays, which means that people who get sick over the weekend wait until the following week to get treatment. So, opening the health center on weekends should solve that problem too.