


作 者: 胡敏教授

编辑推荐:本书优势及卖点:本书几大特色在于:1. 由有着多年教学及研究经验的英籍老师编写。2. 每个部分、每个话都包含一些问题,并附有回答问题时所一句的、短语和范例。3. 列出了舍和每个阶段的常见话题核问题。4. 列出了1个月、2个月、3个月备考计划。



胡敏教授,著名教育专家、新航道国际教育集团总裁兼校长、留英学者。曾任国际关系学院系副主任、硕士生导师。2004年创办新航道,他不仅是中国雅思培训产业化的开创者,同时,也是中国培训一代宗师和培训的领路人。被媒体尊称为“中国雅思之父”,学生们亲切地称他为“胡雅思”。由其开创的雅思、托福、、考研英语和少儿英语等培训理念及教学模式在全国得到广泛应用,并曾多次应邀赴英联邦国家、日本、韩国等世界知名和国际语言培训机构进行访问和讲学。由其领导的国际化教育团队培训年轻学子逾百万,并在业内率先开发出大量拥有自主知识产权的培训教材和专著逾三百部,其中大部分被国内外知名培训机构奉为经典教材,是目前我国英语培训界出书立著最多的知名学者。1998 年荣获北京市第五届哲学科学优秀成果二等奖;2005年9月荣获教育部中国成人教育协会和陈香梅教科文奖办公室联合颁发的“中国民办教育创新与发展论坛暨陈香梅教科文奖表彰活动特殊贡献奖”;2008 年荣获“改革开放三十年北京教育功勋人物奖”;2009 年英国文化协会授予其全球“雅思考试20年20人”杰出贡献奖;2009年荣获品牌中国(教育行业)年度人物大奖。
图书目录ContentsChapter 1  Speaking Test and Criteria1.1  The Format of the Speaking Test  1.1.1  Part One of the Speaking Test1.1.2  Part Two of the Speaking Test1.1.3  Part Three of the Speaking Test1.1.4  Sample Interview1.2  Interpreting the Band Scores1.3  The Assessment Criteria for the Speaking Module 1.3.1  Fluency and Coherence 1.3.2  Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) 1.3.3  Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.3.4  Pronunciation 1.3.5  Test Preparation 1.3.6  Frequently Asked QuestionsChapter 2  Use of English2.1  Tenses2.2  Connectives (Linking Words)2.3  Adverbs of Frequency and Degree2.4  Expressing Probability2.5  Use of Impersonal Pronouns in Place of Nouns2.6  Clauses2.7  Expressing Opinions2.8  Adjectives – Antonyms and Synonyms2.9  Comparatives and Superlatives2.10  Idiomatic EnglishChapter 3  Part One TopicsYour HomeYour HometownWhere You Live NowYour WorkYour StudiesAdvertisementsAgesAgricultureAmbitionsAnimalsArtBicyclesBirdsBirthdaysBooksBuildingsChangeCitiesClothesCollectingComputersCookingCrimeCultural eventsDaily routinesDancingDrawing and paintingDriving a CarEducationEmail…………TransportTravelVisitorsWeatherWeddingsWeekendsWritingWeekendsWritingYour countryChapter 4  Part Two Topics4.1 People   Your parents   A member of your family   A family that you like   Two people   A child   An elderly person   A person you live with   …………   Your favourite actor   A character from a film   A music group   A person you would like to spend a day with   Someone who is good at cooking   An adventurous person4.2 Places   Your home   Your ideal home   A home you have lived in   A room   ……   ……Bad habitsAn ambitionAn ethnic minorityChapter 5  Part Three TopicsAbilityAdvertisingAdvice…………WaterWorkWriting
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