
胡敏雅思教材第7代 雅思写作

雅思自主研发教材胡敏雅思教材第7代 雅思写作

作 者: 胡敏

编辑推荐:编辑推荐:本书优势及卖点:1) 全书分为三大部分:介绍部分、单元部分、答案部分。2) 前十一个单元:主题内容分析,Task 1和Task 2分步训练,帮助考生逐个击破。3) 第十二单元:收录了一套完 北京新航道教育文化发展有限责任公司出版专业英语考试图书和英

第二部分共包含十二个单元。前十一个单元中,每个单元都有一个核心主题。十一个单元分步讲解了写作的整个过程,涵盖了写作的所有关键步骤。此外,前十一个单元中,每个单元都分为三个板块:词汇、练习、考试演练。其中,词汇部分介绍了与单元主题相关的词汇以及写作高频词汇和表达。练习部分则提供了Task 1和Task 2的分步练习,常用表达和语法形式也予以了重点标注。考试演练部分则提供了与雅思写作真题相类似的习题,便于考生学以致用。最后,第十二单元为一套完整的写作模拟试题,考生可用于检验所学。


Anneli Williams在英国讲授大学学术英语已经超过15年,拥有丰富的雅思教学经验。
Unit Title Topic Aims Page number
 Introduction     4
 The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test   6
1 Gender roles Family matters Understanding the task 8
 Understanding visual prompts
 Overview of the writing task and process
 Analysing the question
2 Diet & nutrition Health and fitness Describing a line graph   16
 Using tense and time expressions
 Taking a position
 Generating ideas for an essay
 Presenting arguments and reasons for your opinion
3 Educational goals Education Describing a chart   24
 Expressing language of quantities and numbers
 Comparing and contrasting quantities and numbers
 Selecting and organising ideas
 Writing a basic argument outline
4 Biodiversity Nature and the environment Describing a process   32
 Using the active and passive voice
 Signposting a sequence of events
 Using the language of cause and effect
 Overviewing the academic style
5 Global English Language and communication Describing a diagram   40
 Writing an introduction and conclusion
6 The Internet Science and technology Interpreting a table   48
 Making effective main points
 ‘Signposting’ main points Planning an essay
 Organising an essay
 Modifying statements
7 Consumer spending Employment and finances Working with two visual prompts 56
 Making correlations
 Developing supporting examples
8 Children and parents Youth Developing and linking supporting examples 64
 Reviewing verb forms
 Writing the conclusion
9 An ageing population People and places Using cohesive devices 72
 Using punctuation effectively
 Writing topic sentences
10 Fame Culture and modern society Dealing with words often confused 80
 Using appropriate vocabulary
 Avoiding repetition by the use of synonyms
11 The car Holidays and travel Becoming aware of common errors 88
 Learning how to correct errors
  Practising proofreading
12 Practice test   96
 Additional model essays   98
 Answer key 110
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