纽约时报良心推荐:2017年度书籍TOP10,每年年末,纽约时报书评栏目的编辑都会选出10本“年度图书”推荐给大家。书单推荐的书籍包括小说、诗歌和非虚构作品,某本书入选与否,不与销售数字挂钩。从1972 年起,这项传统已经延续了45年了,今年也不例外。几天前,《纽约时报》给出今年的书单,一起来看看吧!
2017-12-07Apart from statues representing deities, kings, and named members of the elite that can be called formal, there is another group of three-dimensional representations that depicts generic figures, frequently servants, from the nonelite population.
2017-11-29The effect is altogether lighter and freer than that achieved in stone, but because both perform the same function, formal wooden and metal statues still display frontality.
2017-11-29This might be explained by the fact that the novel has evolved precisely because of technological developments that made it possible to print out huge numbers of texts, whereas oil paintings have always been produced as unique objects.
2017-11-29However, when we look at the 100 billion stars in our galaxy (the Milky Way), and 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe, it seems inconceivable that at least one of these planets does not have a life form on it; in fact, the best educated gues
2017-11-29Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically from us we may well not recognise it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with i
2017-11-29The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still understood interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean.
2017-11-29In the face of the escalating perils from indiscriminate applications of pesticides, a more effective and ecologically sound strategy of biological control, involving the selective use of natural enemies of the pest population, is fast gaining popularit
2017-11-03雅思相较托福的优势有哪些? 雅思成立于1989年,由英国文化协会(British Council),国际开发协会(IELTS Australia)和剑桥评估英语(Cambridge Assessment English)共同拥有。雅思考试是澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰和英国移民英语考试最广泛的考试。得到了10,000多所大学,学校,雇主和移民机构的认可,其中包括澳大利亚和英国的所有大学以及美国的许多领先机构。