


  托福阅读难句1. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor might.


  托福阅读文章难句2.But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.


  3.A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instruments capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brilliance.


  4.Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1972 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent.


  5.For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualifications for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces.


  6.Rather, they were made of a top layer of woolen or glazed worsted wool fabric, consisting of smooth, compact yarn from long wool fibers, dyed dark blue, green, or brown with a bottom layer of a coarser woolen material, either natural or a shade of yellow.







  1. 年中深度总结(二):托福阅读套路变了该怎么办

    年中深度总结(二):托福阅读套路变了该怎么办?在涯叔教了这么多年并对近3年的托福阅读考试数据整理分析后发现,2017年应该是 ETS 尝试在考试套路上做些改变的一年,涯叔相信在这一年之后的考试依旧会延续这些改变,希望各位考生多关注。

  2. 托福阅读宝典——《新托福阅读真经5》

      2017年5月27日托福考试阅读题Passage1《威尼斯水源》与《新托福阅读真经5》Autual Test 10 Passage 3原题重现!!终于有一本说中就中的托福阅读宝典啦!要想托福考得好,阅读真经少不了。《新托福阅读真经5》助力托福,一战成名!

  3. 听大神支招托福阅读技巧

      听大神支招托福阅读技巧。荀子《劝学篇》里面提到,“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。” 同样,对托福的追求也只有积累,才能厚积薄发。

  4. 托福阅读中10个古怪的儿童研究 / 实验【下】

      儿童纯真稚嫩,一般大人们都会想要好好保护他们,科学家们却常因为他们的纯真稚嫩而视他们为理想的研究/实验对象。上篇我们了解了5个关于儿童的实验(【上】篇),接下来我们一起来看看:托福阅读中10个古怪的儿童研究 / 实验【下】——另外5个古怪的实验。

  5. 托福阅读中10个古怪的儿童研究 / 实验【上】

      儿童纯真稚嫩,一般大人们都会想要好好保护他们,科学家们却常因为他们的纯真稚嫩而视他们为理想的研究/实验对象。下面和北京新航道一起看看:托福阅读中10个古怪的儿童研究 / 实验【上】