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介绍:大家好,我是新航道留学预备课程组 王佩玺老师。



  大家好,我是新航道留学预备课程组 王佩玺老师。

  you can call me Penny. In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about, How to participate in group discussions.

  在国外的课堂中,参与小组讨论,以团队协作的形式完成任务是重要的。通过学习今天的课程,你可以在小组讨论中做到五点。 手势 ,有效地表达自己的观点,用理由支持你同意的观点,有礼貌地反对你不认同的观点,向对方确认信息是否准确,以及换个方式表达你不知道的词语。

  After today’s lesson, you can state your opinions effectively, support others’ point with more reasons, argue against others’ statement politely, ask for clarification, and explain something you don’t know the word for.


  Work in a group to discuss ways of reducing pressure on students.

  这项任务要求我们在小组内讨论“如何减轻学生的压力”。可以换种说法:减轻学业压力 reducing academic pressure. 就这个话题你有什么好的想法么? You have 1min to think about it!


  首先,我们学习How to state your opinions?用两个句型来“表达观点-给出理由-再举个例子”。

  假设,你的个观点是 “创建一个计划表可以减轻学业压力”Create a schedule

  We can say (I think creating a schedule would be helpful because student will become organized by doing that. For example, they will not miss the deadline if they do homework according their schedule. )其中miss the deadline错过截止日期。这里的句型就是 I think… because… for example…

  如果,你的第二个观点是“参加学习小组能减轻学业压力”Join a study group

  We can say (I believe joining a study group can reduce the pressure on students since they could share ideas and find more solutions in group discussion. For instance, they can do brainstorms to collect as many ideas as possible. ) 其中,share ideas 是交流思想,分享创意的意思。Brainstorm 指头脑风暴,激发的想法。这个句型就是 I believe… since … for instance,…


  比如,你认为“参加体育运动可以减轻学业压力”Participate in a sport该怎么说呢?

  (I think/believe…because/since… For example/instance, … )


  刚才我们学会了表达自己的想法,那么,如果你同意其他成员的观点该怎么说呢?How to support the points you agree with?是不是说yes I agree with you 就够了呢?no! you must contribute more reasons to support it ! 只有当你提供了新的理由时,你才对这个观点做出了贡献哦!

  假如,你支持“少选几门课程可以减轻学业压力”这个观点Take fewer classes

  we can say (I am for taking fewer classes because students will have more free time to do the things they enjoy, and then, to feel relaxed.)在这里,for意味着支持。这个句型就是 I am for … because …

  如果你也同意“花时间和朋友在一起能减轻学业压力”Spend more time with friends

  we can say (I support spending more time with friends because we all know that talking about your problems is the first step to solve them. ) 因为把你的困难说出来,面对它,是解决它的步!这个句型就是 I support … because …



  你同意“和老师沟通能减轻学业压力”Speak to your teachers 该怎么说呢?

  (I am for/support… because…)


  表示支持的方法我们学会了,那么,如果有你反对的意见呢?How to against the points you disagree with? 当然要说出来了!而且还要说的绅士十足!

  有人认为“设定高的学习目标就能减轻学业压力”Set high goals 真的吗?这样想的同学是未来的工作狂呀!反正,我不同意!

  这个时候,首先明确你要反驳的观点内容:You said that setting high goals can help to reduce the pressures on students. 接着,礼貌地表达反对以及原因:I’m afraid that’s not true because…) 跟我一起读You said that … I’m afraid that’s not true because…

  还有人认为,“雇私教能够减轻学业压力”Hire a private tutor 如果你觉得这个观点看似有合理性,但是经不起推敲。

  首先,确定你要反驳的观点内容:You said that hiring a private tutor can help to reduce the pressures on students. 接着,指出观点具有合理性,但是你的观点更优:There’s some truth to your argument. However, … ) 跟我一起读You said that … There’s some truth to your argument. However, …


  用上述句型反对“减少和朋友相处时间(Spend less time with friends)能减轻学业压力”这个观点吧!

  (You said that … I’m afraid that’s not true because…/ There’s some truth to your argument. However, …)



  种情况:How to make sure you understand?如果对方说的话,你没听明白怎么办?当然是开口问啦,千万不能不懂装懂哦!

  如果没听懂意思:we can say…

  I’m sorry. I’m not sure I understand.


  Excuse me. What does “…” mean?


  Could you go over that point again, please?

  Could you repeat that, please?


  第二种情况,遇到我们不会说的词汇,或者忘记了词汇的发音。总之,就是开口忘词,怎么办呢?How to explain something you don’t know the word for?


  I can’t think of the exact word, it’s similar to “important”. (Significant重要的)

  I’m not sure how you say it in English, it’s a kind of big wind. (Tornado龙卷风)

  What’s the word I’m thinking of? It’s something you use to put your clothes in. (wardrobe 衣橱)
