
| 雅思官方白金级合伙伙伴




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  Part 1 Topics and Questions

  1.Your Work/Studies

  Do you work or are you a student

  Your Studies

  What subject are you studying(= What’s your major? in American English)

  Why did you choose to study that

  Where do you study

  Do you like your university/school(Why?/ Why not?)

  Does your university specialize in any particular subject/area

  Is there anyone who helps (helped) you (with your studies) at university/school(Who In what way?) (Who give you the most help?)

  Do you often get together with ( = go out with = do things in your free time with ) your classmates after classes(What do you do?)

  2. Your Hometown

  Whereabouts (=where) did you grow up (Or, Where were you born?)

  Is that a city or is it in the countryside*

  Do you still live there

  Does (do) your family still live there

  What kind of place is your hometown(= Describe your hometown) *

  How has your hometown changed in recent years(e.g., the past 20 years or since you were a child)

  What part of your hometown do you like best(Why?) (= What’s the best thing about your hometown= What do you find most attractive about your hometown?)

  What’s the most famous (= well-known) place in your hometown

  Note: One of the two topics above is a compulsory topic.

  3. Secondary school

  Note 1: It seems that you could be asked about your secondary school studies even if you are working now or a university student now. However, if you are a university student (and especially if you are a secondary student now) and if you answered 1b, above, you probably will not get these questions. Everyone should prepare for this topic because if you get ’Hometown’ as your first topic, ’Secondary School’ is possible as one of your other topics.

  Note 2: ’Secondary school’ means the same as ’high school’. Unlike China and the U.S.A., most students in Britain and Australia go to one school from the age of about 12 to 18, called ’secondary school’ (= high school). However, there are also a small number of ’Junior High Schools’ and ’Senior High Schools’ in Britain and Australia.

  What subjects did you study in secondary school (= high school)*

  What was your favourite subject ( = class) in secondary school(= high school)

  And which class (= subject) did you like the least(Why?)

  Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life

  What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most?

  4. Leisure Time

  When do you have free time

  How do you like to relax(What’s your favourite way to relax?)

  How do Chinese people like to relax

  Do you think it’s important to have leisure time

  How does that (the way Chinese people like to relax) compare with western countries

  Do your friends ever come to your home in their free time What do you usually do together?

  How do you think people will relax in the future*

  Compare the way people in China relax today and the way they used to relax years ago.

  In your leisure time, what do you usually do with friends or family(= Do you do things in your leisure time with friends or familyWhat?)

  Do you have any hobbies or interests(= What are your hobbies or interests?)

  What do you do in your holidays (= vacations)(= How do you spend your holidays?) Or: How do people in China spend their holidays?

  Do you like to travel (in your holidays or free time)(Why?)

  5. Rain

  Does it rain much in China(WhereWhen?)

  Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much(Where?) (or: Is there an even distribution of rain throughout China?)

  When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown

  What about the other parts of China(In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?)

  Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown(When?)

  Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown(How?)

  How does rain affect different people’s moods (Or: How does rain effect people’s lives?)

  Do you like rainy days(= How do you feel on rainy days= Do you feel sad on rainy days?)

  What do you do on rainy day

  Do you think rain is good(Why?)

  Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years, compared to the past

  6. Restaurants

  Do you usually go out to eat or do you usually eat at home

  How often do you go to a restaurant (to eat)(Do you often go to restaurants (to eat)How often?)

  Why do you (or, why do people) go to restaurants

  What kind of restaurants do you like(prefer) (Why?) (Or, How do you choose which restaurant to go to?)

  What kind of restaurants do young people in China prefer(Why?)

  What do you usually do there

  What kind of foods do you (or Chinese people) like to eat in restaurants

  How (do you think) restaurants have changed, over the past few years(=How are restaurants today different to those of before?)

  How do you think they will (might) change in the future*

  What skills do people need to work in a restaurant?

  7. Letters

  Do you often write letters(How often do you write letters?)

  Who do you usually write to and what do you write about

  What (do you think) is the most difficult kind of letter (or email) to write(Why?)

  Do you prefer to write letters or emails(Why?)

  What role do emails (or letters) play in your life( = Why do you write these emails or letters?)

  How often do you write emails

  What kinds of emails (or letters) do you most like receiving(Why?) (= What kinds of emails/letters make you happy?)

  What are the differences between handwritten letters and emails

  Do you think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising*

  8. Television and Radio

  What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio(Why?)

  How are radio programs and television programs different

  What programs do you like to watch/listen to

  When do you watch TV/listen to the radio

  In China, has television/radio changed much in recent years

  How do you think TV/radio broadcasts in China could be improved

  Do you prefer TV news or news on the radio(Why?) *

  9. Daily Routine

  Tell me something about your daily routine.

  (If you do not work) For you, what’s the best time of day for studying

  (If you work) For you, what’s the best time of day (or, day of the week) for working?

  What part of the (= your) day do you like best(Why?)

  If you could make one change to your daily routine, what would it be?

  If you had more free time, what would you do

  Do you get together with your fellow students/work colleagues (=classmates/workmates) after classes/work(What do you do?) [This questions possibly in Work/Studies topic.]

  10. Travel

  Do you like to travel (in your holidays or free time)(Why?)

  Do you think it’s important to travel during your holidays(Why?/Why not?)

  Do you think it’s necessary to travel in order to enjoy your holidays(Why?/Why not?)

  Where do you like to go(If you say you like to travel or do, in fact travel in your holidays.)

  Are holidays important (to people/to you)(Why?) Or: Do you think holidays are necessary(Why?) Or: Why do we need to have holidays?










8月19日,新京报记者对话了雅思考试主办方英国文化教育协会(British Council)中国考试运营总监游卓然,解答了...[详情]













SAT考位5月26、5月27日,放出下半年考位 !



今日CollegeBoard更新了疫情期间考试通知,确2020年下半年SAT考试时间,并预告5月26日这周开始报名。 [详情]







哪个toefl培训学校好 托福培训机构在这里


课程名称 课时 人数 价格
雅思强化冲6.5分8人班(C) 24次课/60课时 8 13500 立即咨询
雅思精讲冲6.5分8人班(B+C) 48次课/120课时 8 20500 立即咨询
雅思入门冲6.5分8人班(A+B+C) 60次课/150课时 8 24500 立即咨询
雅思入门冲6分8人班(A+B) 36次课/90课时 8 17500 立即咨询
雅思精讲冲6分8人班(B) 24次课/60小时 8 13500 立即咨询
课程名称 课时 人数 价格
托福强化冲100分8人班(C) 24次课/60小时 8 13500 立即咨询
托福精讲冲100分8人班(B+C) 48次课/120课时 8 20500 立即咨询
托福入门冲100分8人班(A+B+C) 60次课/150课时 8 24500 立即咨询
托福入门冲90分8人班(A+B) 36次课/90小时 8 17500 立即咨询
托福入门冲100分25人班(A+B+C) 60次课/150小时 25 14500 立即咨询
课程名称 课时 人数 价格
SAT冲1400分班(C) 16课次/40课时 8 9600 立即咨询
新SAT冲1400分强化班(B+C) 46课次/115课时 8 21200 立即咨询
新SAT冲1400分基础班(A+B+C) 76课次/190课时 8 29800 立即咨询
新SAT冲1300分强化班(B) 30课次/75课时 8 15800 立即咨询
新SAT冲1300分基础班(A+B) 150课时/60课次 8 25800 立即咨询
课程名称 课时 人数 价格
全封闭托福冲100分强化10人班(T2+T3) 210小时 10 29800 立即咨询
全封闭托福冲90分基础10人班(P+T1+T2) 280小时 10 33800 立即咨询
全封闭托福冲90分强化10人班(T2) 105小时 10 16800 立即咨询
全封闭托福冲100分基础10人班(P+T1+T2+T3) 426小时 10 44800 立即咨询
全封闭雅思冲6分基础10人班(P+T1+T2) 280小时 10 33800 立即咨询
课程名称 课时 人数 价格
留学预备课程8人班(1级) 24课次/60课时 8 8500 立即咨询
留学预备课程10人班(P) 105小时 10 10500 立即咨询
留学预备课程8人班(3级) 24课次/60课时 8 8500 立即咨询
留学预备课程8人班(2级) 24课次/60课时 8 8500 立即咨询
留学预备课程8人班(4级) 24课次/60课时 8 8500 立即咨询
