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发布时间:2018-05-25 关键词:雅思写作模板:让你的雅思写作7分

摘要:  雅思写作7分语法你只需要4套模版,准备雅思写作的时候,是不是经常遇到以下问题?不写复杂句怕低分、写了又怕写错、想学语法又来不及,今天讲解4套句子结构模版,帮助大家在10分钟内搞定写作7分的所有语法。




  你还记得最近练习的一篇文章中使用了什么语法结构吗?记不住的话,你很有可能每次写作都用不同的高大上句子结构,有时候定语从句 which, 有时候 it is .. adjective . 形式主语:偶尔用一个条件句, if.. then,每篇文章都长得不一样,这样,写完以后,自然没有印象这种方法的弊端是, 你会发现每篇文章都有语法错误,大量的练习以后, 错误也没有减少,主要原因是,每次使用的句子结构不固定。上面一篇文章的语法问题即使解决了,如果下一篇换了句子结构,又会出现新的错误。比如,如果你把定语从句学会了,可是下一篇你却用了 条件句。那么,定于从句的知识点就白学了.. lol

  2 过分完美主义

  你要学习“透彻”每一个语法点,所有内容都要看语法书,甚至记忆每个语法点的名称,浪费了时间研究theory 而不是practice,比如,有些同学,为了一个名词 food,加不加S可以读上好几个小时的语法书,可是,这样的小错误,和你们是不是可以拿到7分,没有任何关系!写作中的语法应用,并没有大家想的那么复杂,雅思写作7分,甚至8分,你只需要背诵4套句子模版。做到灵活运用即可,我把这样的句子结构,叫做:Recipe。下面的3个段落,标记了Recipe 的位置。读完以后,请读完以后,总结规律

  Having a gap year (a) broadens (verb)students’ views (c). This is because travelling or taking an internship (a') gives (verb) them the exposure to different cultures as well as opportunities to study diverse customs, traditions and religions (b), which expands their horizons (c').

  Participating in arts activities (a) enhances (verb) people's health (c). This is because listening to music, drawing or spending time on other artistic pursuits (a') triggers (verb)positive emotions and alleviates negative ones (b), which helps them unwind (c').

  Taking online courses (a) helps (verb) students juggle studying and other facets of life (c). This is because learning via the internet (a')

  enables (verb) them to schedule classes without geographic or time constrictions,

  which allows them to live balanced lives (c').

  有没有发现上面3个段落,都包括以下的结构?但是每个段落里面的ABC词组都不一样,a-c,This is because a'- b,which c'所以 , 同一个Recipe 可以链接不同的ABC词组!同一个Recipe 可以链接不同的ABC词组!同一个Recipe 可以链接不同的ABC词组!无论题目如何改变,我们固定住Recipe 即可,雅思写作,是不是一下子变得简单了?那么,到底需要几组Recipe ?既然Recipe 是用来串联ABC词组的,我们只需要知道,每篇文章最多有几组ABC即可,之前学过的文章结构,ABC词组最多的是Both views 题目,结构如下,共4组 ABC词组


  Recipe 1: 因果论证


  This is because a'- b,

  which c'

  7分+语法:which 定语从句

  Recipe 2: 因果论证


  Specifically, a'- b,

  thereby c' ing

  7分+语法:thereby .verb ing . 现在分词

  Having a gap year (a) broadens (verb)students’ views (c). Specifically, travelling or taking an internship (a') gives (verb) them the exposure to different cultures as well as opportunities to study diverse customs, traditions and religions (b), thereby expanding their horizons (c').

  Recipe 3: 比较

  Compared with (-a), a—c

  This is because a'—b,thereby c'ing

  (或者,为了避免和上面的 thereby 重复, 你可以使用 代词 This b'-c )

  a 和 -a是反义词

  Compared with students who do not take a gap year(-a), those who spend a year to travel or take an internship(a) have broader views(c).

  This is because they will have more exposure to different cultures as well as opportunities to study diverse customs, traditions and religions(b), thereby expanding their horizons(c'). /

  This is because they will have more exposure to different cultures as well as opportunities to study diverse customs, traditions and religions(b).

  These experiences (b')can expand their horizons (c').

  =This b'-c


  Compared with .. 过去分词

  those who.. 定于从句



  Recipe 4: 举例子

  a—c For example, ..years ago, a (complete sentence),which b. It is b’ that c‘


  Having a gap year(a) broadens students' views (c). For example, 5 years ago, I spent one year travelling to Australia before starting my university life (a),

  which gave me the exposure to different cultures as well as opportunities to study

  diverse customs, traditions and religions (b). It is this first-hand experience (b') that has expanded my horizon (c').


  For example .. .过去时

  ..which b 定语从句

  it is ..b that c 强调句

  4组Recipe 里面总共包括了以下7分语法点:

  定语从句, 现在分词,过去分词,过去时态, 强调句,比较级,指示代词,有些时候,还可以将b延伸写成并列的结构,...and ...,真正做到语法多样,而且保证每篇文章都可以满足“语法多样”!


  下面是3个不同的文章,包括雅思考试所有类型的Task 2结构,每个文章里面,只应用了上面提到的4组Recipe

  Agree/Disagree 同一一边,同意题目中的2个概念,(适合agree/disagree 和 both views ),Reasons / Solutions


  Agree/Disagree 同一一边

  Some people think that all students can benefit from having a gap year before university studies. Do you agree or disagree?

  Body 1: gap year 的2个理由

  Recipe 1: 举例子 -强调句

  Having a gap year after a period of study has several benefits. Firstly, travelling or taking an internship could broaden their views. For example, 5 years ago, I travelled to Australia before starting my university life, this experience gave me the exposure to different cultures and opportunities to study diverse customs, traditions and religions. It is this experience that has significantly expanded my horizon.

  Recipe 2: 因果-which 定语从句

  Additionally, a gap year can cultivate students’ independence. This is because having no relatives or friends to rely on forces students to hold themselves accountable for their decisions and their consequences, which can hone their critical thinking skills and the ability to be self-reliant .

  Body 2: 让步+反驳

  让步: 承认反面观点的合理性

  Admittedly, taking time of at that critical age has drawbacks. One risk is that students’ further education may be affected. Interacting with people from different cultures and having no pressure from study may make students become caught up in the exciting lifestyle, demotivating them to continue their education.



  Nevertheless, the argument above cannot be completely validated. The freedom of gap year lifestyle only constitutes one factor when students decide to return to study. Other factors could includewhether they have sufficient money to survive, feel homesick, etc. For example, students may miss family or friends, making it harder for them to enjoy their lives, forcing them to resume study.


  (适合agree/disagree 和 both views )

  Some people believe that governments should not support the arts (painting, music, sculpture) and instead support other areas such as public health or education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  题目里面有2个概念: arts 和 other areas, 写,支持2个,因为不需要让不反驳了哈

  Body 1: 支持艺术 2个原因

  Recipe 1: 因果-which 定语从句

  (和上面题目 body 1 recipe 2 一样)

  It is imperative for the government to support the arts .For one thing, this investment can strengthen a nation’s cultural identity. Firstly, government’s funding for protecting and maintaining works of art will help with keeping the traditions,customs and beliefs embedded in those works alive, which facilitates the preservation of a country’s cultural heritage.

  Recipe 2: 举例子 -强调句

  (和上面题目 body 1 recipe 1 一样)

  In addition, spending a great amount of money on the arts would raise people’s standard of living. For example, in Vienna, the government devoted an immense amount of funding to establish a wide range of free cultural activities. It is these events that have been providing residents an abundance of opportunities to unwind and find relief from their stress and anxiety.

  Body 2: 支持其他领域 2个原因

  Recipe 1: 因果 thereby

  Nevertheless, governments should not disregard education and public health.Undeniably, high-quality educational institutions benefit people’s career development. Good quality education system can equip people with advanced knowledge, and develops their professional skills, evolving them into capable and competitive employees.

  Recipe 2: 比较级

  What is more, funding public health enhances people’s health. Compared with countries that have poor public health systems, countries that provide affordable and effective treatments for diseases have healthier populations. This is because a high quality healthcare system provides people with top-notch equipment and professionals, which prevents and treats their diseases immediately and effectively.

  Reasons / Solutions


  只是对上面的Recipe 做了很小的变动

  Many people believe that cycling is a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transport. However, it is still unpopular in many countries.

  What are the reasons?

  What could be done to encourage the use of bicycles among wider population?

  Several factors contribute to (因素导致..) the unpopularity of riding bikes. This change is primarily due to (主要原因是+ A 名词/名词短语)the existence of other advanced vehicles, which are more efficient and comfortable. Commuting by cars or trains is definitely less time-consuming than biking, and they are normally equipped with air conditioning, preventing us from being affected by terrible weather. The lack of infrastructure to support bike usage is another reason (B名词短语 是另外一个原因) people choose other forms of transportation over the bicycle. Rarely can we see cities with well-maintained bikes lanes; nor do they have enough parking spaces, making it inconvenient for bike riders to travel. The last deterrent to biking would be the fear of traffic crashes. In China, a report shows that the bike accident rate is nearly double that of automobiles.

  How can we promote such an environmentally friendly and healthy means of transportation? The most effective method would be role-modelling since human beings tend to mimic what we are constantly exposed to (直接背诵,百搭句子,最有效的方法是 role-modelling,就是你看到明星做什么,你也想做什么, 所以鼓励明星做一些的事情,大家就会模仿; 具体翻译:可以使用role-modeling, 因为我们喜欢模仿任何我们每天经常看到的事情-真得很难翻译lol 理解意思哈). For example, the media can report celebrities or politicians who usually cycle, thereby motivating their followers to adopt a similar habit. Also, more funding should be allocated to maintain and improve facilities. If more bike lanes and accessible parking spaces were available, people’s reluctance towards cycling would reduce (重点有来了哇, 虚拟语气, 2nd conditional, 把 be 动词变成 were, 表示未来可能会发生得事情, 使用方法 If + 过去时 (be 动词变成 were), 完整句子-动词前面用would) . Further more, strict laws should be released to regulate both cyclists’ and drivers’ behaviour (加强法律,也是百搭理由), which can deter them from driving or cycling improperly. The probability of accidents would be decreased.

  讲到这里,你应该已经体会到了,雅思写作语法=套路!套路!套路! =Recipe,没有套路=大量语法错误=句子单一,只有固定写一样的句子结构,才可以避免语法错误,保证每篇文章都有7分语法。

  最后,我们来分析:为什么Recipe 可以帮你获得7分?Recipe 对应雅思写作3个评分标准,1.Grammar :语法多样性+准确性,我们每篇文章都用一样的结构,集中练习他们自然可以避免语法错误,2.Task Response:有逻辑得扩充观点,这个是同学都忽略的,你们认为TR只和观点与逻辑有关系,其实,是recipe 让abc词组变得有逻辑,比如我们的Recipe,句肯定是很短的a-c,后面是扩充解释a-b-c,逻辑,是在recipe 的句子衔结中体现出来的。3.Coherence and Cohesion: 准确使用多种cohesive devices,Recipe 中的 结构 比如 which,都属于cohesive devices
