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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 11月25日雅思大作文示范写作 | 大多数紧迫问题是否只能通过国际合作解决

11月25日雅思大作文示范写作 | 大多数紧迫问题是否只能通过国际合作解决

发布时间:2023-11-28 关键词:雅思大作文



  Many people feel that most of the urgent problems can only be solved by international cooperation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  Rising tumults and turmoil worldwide have stoked fears of a dystopia prediction for humanity, whereas public optimism is barely dented when it comes to transboundary efforts.




  tumults and turmoil 骚乱和动荡

  stoked fears 引发担忧

  dystopia prediction 反乌托邦预言

  dent 受损 v.

  Body 1

  The most palpable intractable challenge relates to climate change, which has severe droughts, melting polar ice, and destructive storms as side effects. Although burning fossil fuels has proven to be the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions, international frameworks and agreements, such as the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, have united more nations to join the pilgrimage to net zero emissions by 2050. Another underappreciated thorny issue relates to a wave of quality-of-life crisis brought by sweeping sedentary lifestyle and technology addiction. WHO’s latest detailed review of global mental health, for instance, unfurls a comprehensive guidebook to countries and regions with limited examples of good practices.



  palpable 明显的

  intractable 棘手的

  melting polar ice 极地冰融化

  primary source 主要来源

  international frameworks 国际框架

  pilgrimage 朝圣之旅n.

  underappreciated 未被重视的adj.

  thorny issue 棘手的问题

  a wave of 一系列的

  quality-of-life crisis 生活质量的危机

  technology addiction 科技成瘾

  review 研究报告

  unfurls 展开v.

  guidebook 指南

  good practices 良好做法

  Body 2

  However, sceptics would say that the view of pulling together to avoid sliding into either an environmental or a health apocalypse is decidedly rose-tinted, since rising nationalism is not as uncommon as we might think. Even if this were untrue, there could still be a conundrum when it comes to aligning differing countries’ interests, which may be compounded by deep-rooted differences in ideology, economy and technology. For example, it is both unfair and unviable to ask some poor countries to leapfrog to zero emission, while their consumption of fossil fuel is apparently on a growth trajectory. However, some of the concerns raised above point to the need to abandon futuristic aspirations in favor of a more realistic and just path—albeit a somewhat narrow one—that leads to a healthier cycle of general well-being.



  sceptics 怀疑论者

  pulling together 团结一致

  sliding into 陷入

  apocalypse 灾难,天启

  decidedly 显然adv.

  rose-tinted 玫瑰色的,比喻过于乐观的观点或看法

  nationalism 民族主义

  conundrum 难题

  deep-rooted 根深蒂固的

  unfair and unviable 不公平也不可行


  a growth trajectory 上升的轨道/趋势

  futuristic aspirations 未来主义的目标

  path 道路

  general well-being 整体的福祉


  In a conclusion, mankind’s evolution from primitive savages has clarified how important cooperation is, and amid deepening uncertainties, global partnership may be the light at the end of the tunnel.



  evolution 进化

  primitive savages 原始野蛮人

  clarified 表明

  deepening uncertainties 日益加深的不确定

  global partnership 全球伙伴关

  The light at the end of the tunnel 隧道尽头的光明,即经历长时间的苦难后,看到更好的前景。

