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发布时间:2017-07-26 关键词:读外刊:无聊带来哪些好处

摘要:读外刊:无聊带来哪些好处?对于大多数人而言,无聊是很糟糕的。正如法国伟大的作家Victor Hugo在其《悲惨世界》(Les Misérable,1862)中写到:“There is something more terrible than a hell of suffering, a hell of boredom.”

  读外刊:无聊带来哪些好处?对于大多数人而言,无聊是很糟糕的。正如法国伟大的作家Victor Hugo在其《悲惨世界》(Les Misérable,1862)中写到:“There is something more terrible than a hell of suffering, a hell of boredom.”



  原 文

  The wealthiest among us work longer hours while being busy has become a status symbol and a mark of prestige. Boredom and idleness, by contrast, are for the underachievers, the lazy, the loafers. It is something associated with mental dullness and lacking in aim or purpose. In a society where happiness and positivity are often linked to productivity, those who are bored must by extension be unhappy.


  prestige 声望

  idleness n. idle(adj 懒散的)名词形式

  by contrast 与之相反的

  dullness n. 迟钝,dull(adj)



  原 文

  There is a growing body of research that suggests by not allowing ourselves to be bored once in a while, we may be missing out on something important. Many of our best ideas come to us during idle moments, such as while commuting to work, or taking a shower or a long walk. In fact, we may be at our most creative when we are bored.


  once a while 偶尔

  commute to work 通勤


  原 文

  The researchers say that being in a state of boredom encourages you to explore creative outlets because your brain is signalling that your current situation is lacking and you need to push forward. Letting your mind wander, especially with today's technological distractions, when there’s always another email to read and feed to scroll through, is crucial for creativity.


  outlet n. 出路

  distraction 分心



  原 文

  The key to thinking more creatively is to make sure you have some downtime to allow your mind to wander. While most of us probably have some idle moments in our day, we probably fill them with social media and email. Instead, Mann suggests scheduling “daydreaming” time or do activities like swimming, where you mind is able to wander without electronic distractions.


  downtime n. 空闲时间


  原 文

  Intentionally allowing your mind to wander like this allows it to access memories and meaningful connections. When you’re bored, you’re tapping into your unconscious brain, picking up long-lost memories and connecting ideas.

  It is this ability to fully access our knowledge, memories, experiences, and imagination that helps lead us to those precious “lightbulb” moments when we least expect them.


  access 进入



  原 文

  Boredom may also help us to be more productive. Boredom helps to restore the perception that one’s activities are meaningful or significant. Boredom acts as a “regulatory state” that can help to motivate us to complete projects.


  restore v. 重新恢复

  regulatory 调解作用的


  原 文

  In the absence of boredom, one would remain trapped in unfulfilling situations, and miss out on many emotionally, cognitively, and socially rewarding experiences. Boredom is both a warning that we are not doing what we want to be doing and a ‘push’ that motivates us to switch goals and projects.


  in the absence of 缺少,没有

  remain trapped in 困在。。。

  unfulfilling adj不满意的

  switch 转换



  原 文

  It seems boredom is nothing to be fearful of, but we should perhaps also be aware that not all boredom can be useful. While being under stimulated can lead us to greater creativity and productivity, chronic boredom is also found to have insidious effects that can slash years off your lifespan. For example, boredom can lead people to crave fatty and sugary foods because they are seeking stimulation. Being bored or not having enough stimulation is one thing. Feeling that things in your life are pointless is something more precarious. It’s that listless feeling that can be detrimental to both your physical and mental health.


  chronic 长期的;慢性的

  slash off 削减

  insidious adj. 潜在的(通常指不好的)

  pointless adj. 相当于meaningless和后面提到的listless,没有意义的,无精打采的

  precarious 危险的

  be detrimental to 对…有害的
