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雅思阅读|卡米拉成英国新王后,“王后”为什么叫做“Queen Consort”?

发布时间:2022-09-15 关键词:雅思阅读 卡米拉 卡米拉成英国新王后,“王后”为什么叫做“Queen Consort”

摘要:雅思阅读双语解析卡米拉成英国新王后,“王后”为什么叫做“Queen Consort”,卡米拉和查尔斯怎么样?卡米拉在英国的声望如何?欢迎查看本文雅思阅读双语解析,拓展你的见闻!

  近日英国王室有更替情况,今天给大家带来一篇有关英国王室的雅思阅读文章,有关现任王后卡米拉,一起往下看看这篇雅思阅读,了解卡米拉成英国新王后,“王后”为什么叫做“Queen Consort”吧!

雅思阅读|卡米拉成英国新王后,“王后”为什么叫做“Queen Consort”?


  Previous royal tradition dictated that the title would be given to the king’s wife, but Charles’ divorce from Princess Diana in 1996 complicated the matter. At the time of their separation, the Church of England strongly opposed divorce. Public admiration for Diana was (and remains) strong, causing many to feel that Camilla should not have taken the title out of respect for Diana.


  But, the Queen put questions about Camilla’s title to rest in February, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of her reign. In a statement, the Queen Elizabeth II announced that it was her “most sincere wish that, when the time comes, Camilla will be known as Queen Consort as she continues her own loyal service.” It was the first time the Queen had acknowledged Camilla’s role in the monarchy in this way.

Queen Consort

  在声明中以及最近的新闻中,大家可以看到,“王后”的英文为“Queen Consort”。

雅思阅读|卡米拉成英国新王后,“王后”为什么叫做“Queen Consort”?

  consort作为名词时指的是“统治者的配偶”,可以是妻子,也可以是丈夫,例如国王的配偶就被叫做“the Queen Consort”,女王的配偶则是“the Prince Consort”,可以翻译成“王夫”“驸马”等。


  Camilla will take the title of Queen Consort, which indicates that she is the spouse of a king, instead of title of queen because members who marry into the royal family can’t inherit the throne. The last Queen consort was Queen Elizabeth II’s mother, who became known as the Queen Mother after King George VI died and her daughter ascended to the throne.

Queen Mother

  根据牛津辞典的解释,Queen Mother就是“给已逝君王的妻子并且是新国王母亲的称呼”,也就是我们所说的太后。

雅思阅读|卡米拉成英国新王后,“王后”为什么叫做“Queen Consort”?

  被称为“Queen Mother”的人必须满足两个条件,第一是国王的妻子,第二是新任国王的母亲。因此在未来,威廉王子继承王位后,卡米拉无法获得“王太后”的称号,因为她并非威廉王子的生母。


  Camilla and Charles faced criticism for years after their affair was confirmed in the press. Diana, who died in 1997, was globally loved and she blamed Camilla for her failed marriage. Some believed this would prevent Camilla from ever marrying Charles—let alone being called Queen. Following their 2005 marriage, Camilla did not take Diana’s title of Princess of Wales, instead opting for Duchess of Cornwall.



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