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当前位置:首页 > 托福频道 > 托福阅读 > 2023.10.28托福考情


发布时间:2023-11-01 关键词:托福考情



  1、阅 读 部 分



  2、听 力 部 分


  3、口 语 部 分

  Task1 重复2022.7.30下午Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should be self-sufficient instead of depending on others.

  Task 2学校准备在Jackson hall加一层宿舍提供更多dorm room,听力同意,因为这样就有更多宿舍提供给学生住,同时扩建不会占用掉旁边小公园,能保护绿化

  Task 3Circadian Rhythm,生理节律,生物体在一定的时间间隔内通过生物过程经历的周期性变化。举例:甲虫深秋冬眠夏天活动,在实验室里控制温度和光照的环境下也展现了一样的季节性行为

  Task 4negotiable price,相对于固定价格fixed price 浮动价格的劣势

  4、写作 部 分

  综合写作 重复2023.7.9阅读:Why plants fold their leaves during nighttime1. Protection against cold 为了防止热量丧失2. Protection against injection 为了防止真菌感染,叶子被打湿的话容易感染3. Eliminating from nighttime light 为了防止夜间光,叶子白天通过吸收sunlight来确定开花时间,但如果夜间有月光的干扰,就会影响对开花时间的判断听力认为这些都不合理:1. 叶子是通过 internal mechanism抗冻的,否则如果晚上freezing cold的外部环境下,无论叶子fold与否都会被冻死2. 叶子闭合还是会不能完全隔绝水,有一点点水就会 spread water从而感染真菌,所以叶子闭合并没有用3. 在一些完全没有月光的地方比如森林,植物的叶子也会在夜间卷起来,所以folding leaves一定有其他的原因

  学术讨论 Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.Express and support your opinion.Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  关于居住地的选择,有人喜欢城市,有人喜欢郊区rural area,你喜欢哪?两个学生说了选择rural area的原因。

  Doctor Achebe:As part of our module on urbanization and rural-to-urban migration, we are examining factors that influence where people choose to live. Many people migrate from rural areas to cities for economic reasons. However, some continue living in rural areas despite fewer job opportunities. For this discussion, please explain in a post what you think are the main reasons people choose to live in rural areas rather than moving to urban areas.

  Kelly:I believe a major reason some people choose to live in rural areas rather than urban centers is the quieter, slower-paced lifestyle. Rural living typically has less noise from traffic and crowds. The quiet allows more relaxation and connection with nature. The less hurried pace of rural life appeals to those wanting to escape the stress of urban environments.

  Andrew:I think a major appeal of living in rural areas is the natural environment and air quality. The air tends to be cleaner and fresher with less pollution from factories, cars, and high population density. For people who value the ability to breathe fresh air, grow gardens, and spend time outdoors, rural living provides a healthier lifestyle. The scenic, less-congested environment offers a higher quality of life that can outweigh economic factors for some.
