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当前位置:首页 > 新闻动态 > 想让自己在国外的经历精彩纷呈?看看这个麻省理工的小哥怎么说


发布时间:2017-09-22 关键词:想让自己在国外的经历精彩纷呈?看看这个麻省理工的小哥怎么说

摘要:马赛龙Marcelo,Marcelo Zilberberg:巴西人,精通七国语言,麻省理工 MBA 硕士,现任新航道外教事业部总监。

  马赛龙Marcelo,Marcelo Zilberberg:巴西人,精通七国语言,麻省理工 MBA 硕士,现任新航道外教事业部总监。

  "Culture Shock" Or "Culture Wonder"“文化击”还是“文化精彩”

  When you move abroad, you are very likely to experience “Culture Shock”. As a Brazilian who lived several years in London and Boston before moving to China, I am very aware of how cultures can differ.

  The question is: how can you or your child stop ‘Culture Shock’ from getting in the way of a great experience?

  As I head a Language Innovation program at New Channel, I’ll ask you to start with this collocation: “Culture Shock”.

  Take the word “Shock” (Oxford Dictionary: noun“a feeling … resulting from a sudden upsetting event”)

  And replace it with the word “Wonder” (Oxford Dictionary: noun “a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar”)

  You now have: “Culture Wonder!”


  问题是,你或者你的孩子如何能将这种“文化击”转化为一场精彩纷呈的体验 ?





  The Ungrateful Foreigner and the AntiSocial Student不领情的外国人,不合群的学生

  Many foreigners who come to China don’t adapt.They focus on the negative aspects of China that contrast with their home country. Blocked Facebook and Google, pollution, noisy restaurants, crowded spaces...

  When things don’t go their own way, they blame China and complain. They experience “a feeling … resulting from a sudden upsetting event”, or as Oxford Dictionary calls it, a ‘shock.

  These foreigners don’t make deep relationships with locals, never properly learn Chinese and rarely feel satisfi ed with their life. One might even wonder why they came to China in the fi rst place.

  Something similar might happen to a Chinese student moving abroad. Western universities have many Chinese students who only make friends with other Chinese students, play with their phones all day, and perform poorly academically (especially on subjects that require teamwork and classroom participation.)

  The question is not “what are the differences you will face abroad,” but “how will you deal with them.” Do you experience differences with Shock or Wonder? This attitude is the number one factor to determine the quality of your life abroad.

  外国人其实都不适应在中国的生活。他们总是拿中国不好的一面与他们自己的做对比,比如不能上 Facebook 和 Google 网站、环境污染、吵闹的餐馆、拥挤的空间等等。






  The Painting and the Chair一幅画和一把椅子

  Imagine you are invited into someone’s home. As soon as you enter the living room,you notice a beautiful painting that you had never seen before. You feel amazed and want to tell someone how much you like it.

  Who will you choose to talk to about the beautiful painting:

  a)the host, or b) another guest?

  Now let’s say you also fi nd in the same living room a chair that looks very expensive, but when you sit on it you find it very uncomfortable. After sitting there for twenty minutes, your legs are numb and your back is stiff. You really want to tell someone about this.

  Who will you choose to complain about the uncomfortable chair:

  a) the host, or b) another guest?

  I am willing to bet that most people will tell the host about the painting, and the other guest about the chair.

  This metaphor can be applied to the experience of living abroad. If you mainly think and talk about the things you find uncomfortable, only other ‘guests’ that feel the same way will be willing to listen to you.

  If you make the effort to mostly think and talk about the beautiful and amazing things you see in the new country, you can easily fi nd many locals willing to talk and make friends with you.

  This is the answer to have the best time abroad, make a deliberate effort to think and talk about the positive contrasts you find there.

  Remove the word “Culture Shock” from your dictionary, and replace it with “Culture Wonder.











  Stay hungry stay foolish求知若饥 虚心若愚

  The takeaway from this article is very simple:to make the best out of your experience abroad, cultivate your sense of wonder.

  Look for the things you like about the place and talk about them with the locals. Keep learning the language, regardless of what others think about your language level.

