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新航道教育展 | 北京101中学国际部学术总监JACK:如何规划高中生活

发布时间:2019-04-12 关键词:北京101中学国际部

摘要:  由新航道北京学校主办的新航道第43届春季国际高中择校暨海外院校教育展,于2019年3月23日(周六)在北京泰富酒店隆重举办。我们请来了30余所国际高中和70余所海外院校前来参展。关于国际学校、国际教育他们各自有着独到的见解值得倾听!




  Q:Mr Jack, is like, what do you think are important for the students and the schools to you know, to have some challenging courses for them?


  Challenging courses play an exceptionally important part in students overall personal growth.Firstly, I find that very often teachers are very wary about where to place the bar of expectations upon their students.At 101, we have a course called Symposium, where students are able to choose an area of learning which is particularly interesting to them, and they're able to sit down with the teacher in very small groups, and together they design their own learning goals and learning objectives, and design the idea for a project which they will complete together, and these areas might be something in theatre, it might be in biochemistry, it might be in Greek Mythology, it's a very wide range of courses, and very often what we find in that course is that students set the bar so much higher for themselves than their teacher ever would. And, for teachers and educators it's inspirational to see just how much they can accomplish when you give them empowerment over their own learning.

  首先,挑战性的课程对学生的全面个人成长起着重要的作用。我发现老师们经常很谨慎,不知道怎么设置期望的标准。在101中学,我们有一门课程叫作专业研讨会,课上学生能自行选择感兴趣的学习领域,并 以小组的形式和老师坐在一起,一起制定学习目标和目的,设计他们共同参与的项目的想法。学习的领域可以是戏剧方面,也可以是生物化学,也可以是希腊神话,这门课的范围很广,我们经常在这门课上发现学生给自己设定的标准比老师设定的要高得多。而且,对于教师和教育者来说,当你赋予他们自主学习的权力时,再看到他们能取得大的成就时,是一件鼓舞人心的事情。

  In terms of the college application itself, admissions offices are looking to see the same sort of characteristics, a student’s high school experience, that they would want to see in that university themselves, and in the university, they want to take students who are willing to challenge themselves and take full advantage of the great opportunities which so many North American Universities in particular offer to their students.So, a student who has evaded challenging courses in high school is very unlikely to really take hold of the challenges that a university might present them with.


  Q:Can you elaborate on that? What kind of activities in your school?


  Of course.One of our hallmark programs at Beijing 101 is called The Enterprise Project, it's a graduation requirement so every student must complete it in order to graduate with the Beijing 101 diploma.It takes place throughout the entirety of their second year in high school with us, they’re graded throughout the year, and really the students are required to work in groups and to complete a project, and there are a couple of requirements with that project. Firstly, they need to know absolutely nothing about it and secondly, the challenge needs to be high enough so that they can a year to do it. If it just takes one weekend, then obviously that won’t suffice. And really it must require research, and so students in the first month they’ll begin to assemble themselves into groups, and they start to write a proposal, and that proposal will include the scope of the project itself, again they’ll be setting their own objectives.A budget, they can request a budget from the school in order to complete that project.

  当然可以。我们在北京101学里有个标志性课题,叫作企业课题,这是我们的毕业要求,也就是说每个学生必须完成它,才能拿到北京101学校的毕业证书。这个项目在整个高中二年级进行,评分整整持续一年,学生们需要以小组形式完成一个包含具体要求的课题 。首先,他们需要对该课题完全不了解,其次,挑战难度需要足够高,好让他们花上一年的时间来完成。如果他们只用一个周末,那显然是不够的。这确实需要进行研究,所以个月学生们会开始分组,然后开始提案,提案包括项目本身的范围, 制定自己的目标。 他们可以向学校提交预算申请,来支撑完成那个课题。

  Q:Is there a limit?


  There is a reasonable limit there, yeah, and it depends, very often it depends on what the project is, in itself.So, in some years we've had students build their own 3 D. printer, for example, and learn how to use that, and then trying to create little classes so they can run a club and teach other students how to use the 3.D. printer that they’ve built.


  Other years we've had students who’ve made a prototype of a bed which will protect the user in the instance of an earthquake, and so they get to practice some engineering skills, because that was something, they were very passionate about. We’ve had some students work on conducting their own psychology experiment, and so there they’re looking at research bias and the development of that experiment, then running it out and then writing their research paper based on their findings.The scope again, it's very, very wide for them, but really what they get to do here is they get to practice a lot of skills which are very difficult to train inside the classroom.


  They get to practice team work, they get to learn how to become independent and reflective learners, and the reason why we ask them to do it in an area where they have no experience is that we want them to learn by themselves how to do something, and we want to be able to assess whether all of the skills which we’ve tried to encourage them to develop into in the first grade, first year with us, something that they can really take a hold of and use in that second year. And that really culminates towards the end where our grade 12 students have graduated, and one week after that, our grade 11 students as the oldest students in the program now, get to present their projects to the entire assembly of students and faculty, and so it’s their coming of age really if you like, as well.

  他们得以训练团队精神,学习如何独立,做一名反思型学习者。我们之所以让他们选择没有经验的领域是因为我们想让他们自学做事的方法,我们希望能评估他们一年级在我们鼓励下发展的技能,进行掌握并在次年使用。最终,在那一周后,我们的12年级的学生们毕业的时候,11年级的学生就是课题里最年长的了,他们能够向全体学生以及教师面前展示他们的课题, 那时就是他们的时代了。

  Q:Well that's nice, and among all of these kind of activities you mentioned, if you okay, prioritize all of these kind of activities and what will be the top three, for the students to apply for the four universities.


  I think, narratives and activities are very important.I think if you have, very often I see students and parents too who are extremely concerned about not having an extracurricular activity which involves helping their local community, but they have very strong activities elsewhere, and I don't think it really matters what area the activity fits into, more that it tells the admissions officer how someone develops and builds upon their interests. And so, if a student has for example, been volunteering at an animal shelter, taking some extra outside classes or working in the lab, have behavioural studies in watching animals and noting how they behave and then trying to maybe build a habitat for them in [0:07:00-0:07:02 inaudible] which encourages breeding or whatever else it is, that's a hugely important and very advantageous development of activities. So, I wouldn't say it’s so much one activity over the other, but how they fit in with each other. Whether it shows that a student isn't just dipping their toes in the water but is really sort of growing from each experience to something bigger and bigger and better.
