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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思词汇 > 雅思词汇:both 的灵活性无与伦比,有时甚至超过了频度副词

雅思词汇:both 的灵活性无与伦比,有时甚至超过了频度副词

发布时间:2022-04-02 关键词:both

摘要: 不定代词指的是一个或多个不明确的物体、生物或地方。

       不定代词指的是一个或多个不明确的物体、生物或地方。它们之所以“不定”,仅仅是因为它们没有指明它们所指的确切对象、生物或地点,包括指代部分的不定代词,如 any,anybody,anyone,either,neither,nobody,no,someone 和 some,或者指代全体的不定代词,如 every,all, both 和 each。

  因为 both 指代的是两个东西,那么它跟名词无论怎么组合也不会出现数量上错乱的现象,正是因为这样,它与别的成分的搭配非常的灵活,有时甚至超过了频度副词位置的灵活性,例如:

  一、both + 复数名词

  1、both 放在其他修饰语(the,her,my 等)之前,此时我们可以用 both 或 both of,两者的意思是一样的,例如:

  她的两个孩子都会说三种语言。Both her children can speak three languages.Both of her children can speak three languages.


  这两个提议都有各自的优点。我不知道该选哪一个。Both the offers have their own merits. I don't know which one to choose.

  Both of the offers have their own merits. I don't know which one to choose.

  2、Both 也可以直接置于名词之前,例如:

  Both sides call for prompt action on preventing the spread of disease.双方呼吁迅速采取行动防止疾病传播。

  二、主格或宾格代词 + both:both 可以置于主宾格代词后面表强调,例如:

  We both agree to disagree.我们都同意各自保留不同的意见。

  The company has come a long way and decides to promote us both.公司已经取得了很大的进步,并决定升我们的职。

  三、both of + 宾格代词,例如:

  Both of us are unwilling to attend his wedding.我们俩都不愿意参加他的婚礼。

  Both of you are required to be in company by 8.30.你们两个都必须在8点30分前到公司。


  The quarantine regulations weighed on both of them.检疫规定对他们两人都有影响。

  That'll be meaningful for both of you.这对你们俩都有意义。

  四、both 自己“单干”作代词,此时有明显的上下文,例如:

  Applicants for this job must know how to use computers or speak English, preferably both.申请这份工作的人必须会使用电脑或说英语,最好两者都会。

  此句中的 both 指代的是上文中的 know how to use computers 和 speak English。

  There are two tourist spots in this area. Both are considered popular holiday resorts.这个地区有两个旅游景点。两者都被认为是受欢迎的度假胜地。

  此句中的 both 指代的是上文中的 two tourist spots.

  五、both 与其他成分,此时通常可以把它当作副词来确定位置,通常是在主语和主动词之间,在情态动词或第 一个助动词之后,或在作主动词的 be之后,例如:

  They both planned to join the golf club.他们都计划加入高尔夫俱乐部。

  They had both planned to join the golf club.他们都计划加入高尔夫俱乐部。

  他们都计划加入高尔夫俱乐部。正确:They are both planning to join the golf club.错误:They both are planning to join the golf club.

  即使 both 可以在句中不同的位置出现,但它所表示的数量都是两个,换句话说,当它或对应的短语做主语时,谓语用复数。
