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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思动态 > 雅思口语高频P2:重读的书—书香中国


发布时间:2017-05-02 关键词:

摘要:  雅思口语高频P2:重读的书—书香中国。最近隐隐地感受到社会上有一股阅读的风潮热浪,做为一名走在时尚前端且好事的小编,凑热闹怎么能少的了我呢!说起“描述一本你想重新阅读的书”,我们一起看看在雅思口语中该如何表达吧!


  雅思口语Part 2题目:Describe a book you want to read again.


  Describe a book you want to read again.

  You should say

  What it is

  What it is about

  When you read it for the first time

  And explain why you want to read it again.


  Let me say something about the book the Little Prince.

  Growing up is a painful and boring procedure but it is what we can’t avoid.

  What I love about the world of the Little Prince is that it is so much full of imagination and purity. How can a prince live in a planet which is slightly bigger than him? How can he have sunrise in the morning but sunset right after he changes his seat to an opposite direction? How can birds fly in the space without air or oxygen? Those are so imaginative and amazing. Besides, the three people he met on his way to earth, the King, the lighthouse man, and business man, according to me represent separately three categories of human behaviours. The King represents people who are mean, making money only but never intending to spend it. The lighthouse guy is an image of people who do something but have no idea why they do it. They only follow routines or stereotypes without even the thought to ask why. And the business man is a mirror of all those who like nothing but trying all methods to make money. They are what we are becoming of in the modern world. All these are the proofs that grown up world is colourless and tedious.


  1、 intend to


  2、 tedious

  adj.冗长乏味的; 单调沉闷的; 令人生厌的

  At the end of the story, the Little Prince returned back to his planet where his demanding roses was, who was the chief reason why he left his planet. I think this is sign. However much we love and cherish the childhood and how imaginative we might be as children, we will grow up. One day sooner or later, we will have to enter the adult world. That is one cold and bloody truth we can never escape from.


  cherish vt. 珍爱; 爱护;怀有;抚育

  I first read this book when I was in High School and honestly it was a bit beyond my understanding. But after the movie Little Prince, I got a whole new idea on the telling in it. And I will read it again. That is for sure.
