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雅思口语Part 3类型分析

发布时间:2021-06-17 关键词:雅思口语Part 3

摘要: 该怎么准备雅思口语Part 3部分?雅思口语分为三个部分,但对很多烤鸭来说,会把大部分的时间用于准备Part 2的话题描述;至于Part 3部分则全靠即兴发挥,通常会出现以下几种情况:

       该怎么准备雅思口语Part 3部分?雅思口语分为三个部分,但对很多烤鸭来说,会把大部分的时间用于准备Part 2的话题描述;至于Part 3部分则全靠即兴发挥,通常会出现以下几种情况:




  其实,有多少烤鸭一直误以为反正Part 3的问题有不确定性,平时干脆不用练习?在具体分享Part3的备考攻略之前,大家需要了解Part3具体考察的能力:

  雅思口语Part 3


  根据题型介绍,我们可以了解到,在Part 3部分,除了基本的语言表达能力,大家平时也需要训练回答逻辑并积累相关话题的观点。对于回答逻辑,其实是需要大家能够清晰地回应问题、表明观点,再进行延申拓展。

  例如:Why are people keen on keeping pets ?

  Well… the way I see it, people are quite into keeping pets mainly because they can keep us company, especially when you feel lonely, a pet will be there for you. (回应问题,表明观点)

  And pets need constant attention, like, dogs always need to be walked, fed and played with. So, you can have something to care for. (举例说明)

  Another reason is that keeping pets can be a good stress reliever. You know, pets are carefree, so, walking or playing with them can take your mind off any worries that you have. (观点+原因说明)

  除了整体的回答逻辑之外,针对Part 3问题,我们还需学会从分类讨论的角度去思考~


  题目:Is it good to ask advice from strangers online ?


  Personally, I reckon it depends on what type of advice you’re asking for,

  Sometimes, you are more likely to get the right answer if the person knows the situation. Let’s say, if you ask someone, with the way Judy is doing, do you think she is cheating? In this case, people who know Judy are more likely to make a reasonable guess based on previous behavior and what they know.

  But having said that,

  It’s a good option to ask advice from strangers online. For example, these days, it’s common for us to post questions on Zhihu which is an online community where you can get answers from netizens.

  For strangers, they are not involved in the situation, so they might have a fresh perspective and give outspoken comments.


  题目:What kinds of promises do people often make ?

  具体而言,我们可以联想到生活中的不同群体,例如:parents-children; teachers-students; couples; salespeople-customers, 这样我们就可以更好地打开思路:


  Well… there are various types of promises we make frequently

  Like, parents often promise to give rewards to their children if they perform well at school.

  Also, when children throw temper tantrums,

  It’s common for parents to make a promise to pacify their children, such as buying a new toy or going to an amusement park.


  题目:What’s the influence of social media on friendship ?


  Well.. the way I see it, it’s true that social media has made it easier to maintain the friendship. Like, we can keep in touch with friends who move away and make connections with others who have similar interests. (positive influence)

  But the problem is, as people spend more time on social media and have less time hanging out with friends, they tend to live their relationships on social media. That is, they are watching stories and snaps of others, instead of enjoying quality time with friends. (negative influence)
