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发布时间:2024-06-14 关键词:托福口语




  2024.6.2 Speaking Task 1

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be allowed to take additional courses in their spare time to graduate as soon as possible.





  2023年的考试中,也有一个高频出现教育学习类话题下关于“additional assignment”的话题,大家也可以参考以上的答题思路串题回答:

  Some professors allow students who have not done well on graded assignments during a course to do additional assignments in order to improve their overall course grade. Do you think this is a good idea?(2023.5.10,2023.7.23)

  Sample answer

  I disagree with the statement that students should have the option to take additional courses for an earlier graduation.

  First, taking extra courses can lead to burnout(过度疲劳). College students already have a significant workload, and adding more classes can be overwhelming. It's important for students to have balance in their lives, including time for relaxation, social activities, and self-care. If students are constantly studying and attending classes, they may experience high levels of stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact their overall well-being and academic performance. Second, the quality of learning may suffer. When students take too many courses at once, they may not have enough time to fully engage with and absorb the material in each class. This can lead to a superficial understanding of the subjects and lower grades. Education should be about gaining deep and meaningful knowledge, not just rushing through to earn a degree. By spreading out their coursework over a longer period, students can take the time to thoroughly understand and appreciate what they are learning.(170words)


  当老板考虑员工的工作地方,什么因素最重要?Claire 认为在员工之间创建社区意识和友情对于企业的成功非常重要Andrew认为要考虑的最重要的事情是:降低公司开支。 Dr. Diaz:We’ve been discussing employee working arrangements—whether employees should report to an office or work at home. Some businesses require all employees to work in the office. Others choose not to have a physical office and have all employees work from home. In industries where remote work is possible, what is the most important factor for employees to consider when deciding where employees should work, and why? Claire :I don’t think businesses should allow their employees to work from home, because creating a sense of community and camaraderie among employees is so important for the success of a business, especially if it is a small business. It is challenging to develop that dynamic when employees are not together physical in the same space. Andrew: I think the most important thing to consider is the bottom line: keeping company expense down. For example, requiring all employees to work from home might be the best option from an economic standpoint. Renting office space is expensive, as are the utility bills. Think of how much money a business could save if employees worked from home.


  当 COVID-19 大流行时,很多公司不得不关闭工作场所。世界各地的组织都制定了新的工作规范,弹性工作刚开始是临时的大流行应对措施,后来变成了现代工作世界的持久特征。很多公司发现允许员工在家工作,这不仅可以给公司节约成本,还可以减少员工的通勤时间,和处理各种突发情况概率,能让员工以更好的状态工作,减少犯错率,提高工作效率,从而能为公司创造更多的利润。


  No matter where employees work, the primary focus for employers is often maximizing company profits. Therefore, I believe that prioritizing the improvement of work efficiency should be a key consideration for employers when determining appropriate work arrangements. To be specific, working at home could provide staff with less daily commuting time. The time savings can allow them to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast. Consequently, employees begin their workday with a refreshed mindset, leading to fewer costly errors and ultimately improving their work efficiency. Conversely, when employees are required to work in the office, the lengthy commute can be exhausting, particularly during rush hour, as they contend with factors beyond their control, such as crowded public transport, vehicle breakdowns, and traffic congestion,which can negatively affect their mood and reduce their work efficiency. For instance, during the Covid-19 pandemic, when my father was allowed to work from home, he was able to commence his work with energy, free from concerns about road conditions. (173 words)


