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发布时间:2016-04-22 关键词:【师资详解】如何从细节处攻克托福独立写作?




攻克托福独立写作:把握细节 完胜评分标准



  “An essay is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details.”





  “上下意”是对词汇语意范围的一种界定。通常来说,利用“头脑风暴”任意举出一个名词,我们总能找到它的“上意词”或“下意词”。例如,我们日常生活中使用的“微波炉(microwave oven)”,它是一种家用电器,那么它的上意词可定义为“电器设备(electronic device)”,而说到电器设备我们又可以微波炉为参照物给出“电冰箱(refrigerator)”、“电视机(television)”、“空调(air conditioner)”等,这就构成了电器设备的下意词。利用这种技巧,考生可以在例证支持中给出上意词,再以多个下意词做为具体细节展开论证。下面是一位考生的习作:

  “The development of modern technology does bring much convenience to our daily life. For example, electronic device has been widely used in families.”

  这位考生给出论点:现代技术为我们的日常生活带来诸多便利。再给出例证支持:电器设备已经进入家庭。我们要求考生向着满分标准刺,务必“赢在细节”,利用“上下意重复法”找出“电器设备(electronic device)”的下意词,给出细节:

  “The development of modern technology does bring much convenience to our daily life. For example, a number of electronic devices, such as microwave oven, refrigerator and television, have been widely used in families.”


  “Although the average pay is much less than that of big cities, vegetables are usually less expensive.”



  “Although the average pay is much less than that of big cities, daily necessities, such as vegetables and meat, are usually less expensive.”

  第二、“W&H法”。参加过SAT考试的考生深受SAT写作技法的影响,喜欢讲故事。例如,一位曾获得SAT写作的学员在解答托福写作交流交友类话题时就习惯性地叙述了他如何参加毕业舞会(prom),如何与最耀眼的舞会皇后(Prom Queen)相识,如何邀请她共舞一曲的全过程。触类旁通、事半功倍,这位考生最终在托福写作部分取得了29分的好成绩。


  在此考生务必要问清自己4个“W”和1个“H”(when, where, who, what, how),将事情发生的时间、地点、人物、过程等各个细节充分展现在考官面前。例如考生论证存钱应急比花钱消费更重要,并叙述了他的朋友在车祸前后的故事:

  “For example, I have a friend named Victor. He is not rich but keeps a good habit of depositing a certain amount of money into the bank account each month. He sometimes complained to me because saving disabled him to spend money buying something he desired. But last month, while he rode to school in the rush hour, he was involved in a horrible accident and injured severely. So a large amount of money was immediately required for an operation. Most of the family’s deposit was put into use and fortunately, he got through this nightmare. Now he feels so blessed and grateful that he keeps this habit of saving and this incident strikes him tremendously to realize how significant the deposits are to ordinary people.”





  “Low carbon life style may help regulate the climate, conserve water and soil, improve air quality, and eliminate smoke and dust.”



  “Low carbon life style may help alleviate air pollution, improve water quality and provide us with a better living environment.”



  “For instance, microwave oven has been widely used in families. Using a microwave oven for cooking can not only heat up the food faster, but also provide a smoke-free cooking environment. Housewives are able to make use of the extra time saved from cooking to do many other things. Smoke created when cooking in traditional ways is always a threat to people’s health, while a microwave oven will solve the problem easily by using an environment friendly power, radiation power.”


  “Life abounds with such examples. By using microwave ovens, the process of cooking is cleaner and faster than the traditional way and consequently this makes the dishes more favorable for people’s health and saves a lot of time for people to do more important things. The refrigerator provides an access to the storing of food more conveniently, and thus it is now possible for people to buy many foods at one time instead of purchasing them in small quantities and go to the supermarket every day. No one can deny that people really benefit a lot from the invention of computers. They accomplish a variety of things through computers including searching for the latest information and chatting online with families and friends.”


  答:当然不是。托福写作真题中明确要求“使用具体的理由和例证支持你的论证(use specific reasons and examples to support your answer)”,但并没有强调支持论证的细节必须真实。因此考生在不违反常识的情况下可以充分发挥想象,切勿画地为牢、作茧自缚。例如考生在论证人际交往中互相理解的重要性时,就可以假设自己是犹太教徒,而邻居是一位五星级大厨,从而展开一番饶有趣味的描述:

  “Of course, while friendliness and capabilities are important, without a mutual understanding and consideration, any neighbor can be horribly frustrating. Imagine my neighbor who happens to be a five star chef invites me over for dinner. Though he certainly has the appropriate talents for cooking, and the good will to invite me, if he failed to consider my culture or personal preference, I might not go for the meal at all. More specifically, if I were Jewish and followed my religious limitation on food, I would not be able to eat many different kinds of food. Thus, without consideration for my culture, all of the good-will my neighbor might bring would be useless.”




  “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should spend a year on traveling or working before they go to college or university. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”


  “Although it is not common in China, spending a year on traveling is not rare in many western countries and this experience may benefit the students enormously. After devoting themselves many years to academic study, the students may suffer from this learning process. They may burnt out and lose interest in campus life. However, by taking a break for one year, they can certainly evoke their enthusiasm again and motivate their hunger for new knowledge.”



