当前位置:首页 > 托福频道 > 托福写作 > 支招雅思小作文 I 静态多柱 四个国家垃圾处理方式对比
发布时间:2024-12-23 关键词:雅思小作文
摘要:The bar chart compares the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and UK with regard to the waste treatment methods.
The graph below shows four methods of dealing with waste in four countries.
方法1:按照<图例>分段 (本篇文章采用此种分段方法)
Body 1:绿色(recycling)+浅蓝色(landfilling)
Body 2:其余两种方式
Body 1:Netherlands
Body 2:其余三个国家
The bar chart compares the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and UK with regard to the waste treatment methods.
Overall, recycling is the primary method of waste disposal in the Netherlands, while landfilling is the dominant approach in the other three countries.
- Netherlands中,recycled占比
- 剩下三个国家中,landfilled 占比
Body paragraph 1
Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 68% of the waste in the Netherlands is recycled, yet this disposal technique is only used for no more than 20% of the waste in Italy, Spain and Britain. People in these three countries put most of their waste into landfilling sites, with the British landfilling 65% of their waste, and Italians and Spanish people burying 40% of their waste.
- 绿色(recycling:Netherlands数据为68%,但剩下三个国家数据不足10%
- 浅蓝色(landfilling):Italy、Spain、Britain中landfilling数据都(UK→65%,Italy、Spain→40%);Netherlands数据仅为8%
Body paragraph 2
By contrast, the differences in the use of burning and chemical treatment are less pronounced across the four countries. Burning is the second favored choice in Spain and Italy, where it accounts for 30% and 21% of waste disposal respectively. In the UK, however, only 3% of waste is incinerated, making it the least popular option there. As for chemical treatment, all four countries manage a similar proportion of waste in this way, with figures ranging from 15% to 18%.
思路要点:深蓝色(burnt) + 橙色(used as chemicals)
- burnt、used as chemicals两种方式 在四个国家间的数据差异不大
- 深蓝色(burnt):在Spain和Italy中数据排第二,分别为30%和21%;在UK数据,仅为3%
- 橙色(used as chemicals):四个国家数据差异不大,区间范围是从15%变化到18%