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发布时间:2014-07-10 关键词:马思涵:雅思小作文6大常见失分点

摘要:“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, …… it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” 用英国作家狄更斯的名作《双城记》的开篇来描述当下中国“烤鸭”们正经历着的水深火热的情形


  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, …… it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” 用英国作家狄更斯的名作《双城记》的开篇来描述当下中国“烤鸭”们正经历着的水深火热的情形,是再贴切不过的。梦想,仿佛触手可及,然而,雅思分数,究竟会成为考生们的福音又或是梦魇?



  有的同学总担心时间不够用,拿到题目后,走马观花地扫了一眼图表,尚未完全理解图表信息就开始盲目动笔,有时甚至会误解图表中的信息。这样是不可取的。平心静气地花上5 分钟,仔细理解图表:看清楚坐标、单位,理解数据意义;寻找一些特殊数值,比如峰值、拐点、交点等;归纳图表中的规律和趋势;定夺描述的顺序,例如按时间顺序,还是按数据由大到小描述等。待到动笔时,已然胸有成竹。



  句1:In 1990 5% students received higher education in China. This figureincreased to 8% in 1992 and 10% in 1994.

  句2:There was a gradual and stable increase in Chinese tertiary student numbers from 1990 to 1994, ranging from 5% to just over 10%.

  句3:The period of 1990 to 1994 witnessed a slow and steady growth in thenumber of students enrolled in Chinese universities, from 5% to around 10%.

  句1:From 1990 to 2004, the urban population of Shanghai increased from 6million to 18 million, and the number of Beijing rocketed from 3.5 million to 28million.

  句2:China’s two most prestigious cities, Shanghai and Beijing, have undergone rapid growth surges in population. In 1990, the urban population of these cities hovered around the 5 million mark with Shanghai’s residents slightly surpassing that of Beijing’s. While in2004, Beijing’s urban population achieved a staggering 28 million and the figure of Shanghai also soared to 18 million.

  显而易见,两组句子中,句1 都仅仅简单乏味地陈列了数据;而组中的句2、句3,先简明扼要地描述了趋势,随后,数字的引用可谓水到渠成。而第二组中句2,段首句提纲挈领地点明了主要变化,随后并没有具体列出两市在1990 年的人口但这种概括性的说明反而更加简洁有力。其后,数字的引用也很灵活。




  以下段落是剑8 当中的范文,仔细体会粗体下划线标出的关键词汇的作用。

  Expenditure on resources such as books had increased to 20% by 1991 before decreasing to only 9% by the end of the period. In contrast, the cost of furniture and equipment saw an opposite trend. This cost decreased to only 5% of total expenditure in 1991 but rose dramatically in 2001 when it represented 23% of the school budget. Similarly, the cost of insurance saw a rising trend, growing from only 2% to 8% by 2001.

  在句意呈现转折时,可以使用however,contrarily, nevertheless,whereas, in comparison with 等;意思递进时,可以使用in addition,moreover, furthermore, what’s more 等。这类词汇还有,同学们可以每种选择几个自己用得顺手的积累起来,养成使用过渡词汇的习惯。




  1. Natural gas exports from Russia fluctuated wildly over the period.There were _____________________________________.

  2. The purchases of train tickets dropped significantly after theChinese New Year.There was ____________________________________.

  3. Britain emits 3% of the world’s carbon dioxides.Britain produces _________________________.

  4. According to the pie chart, the U.S. consumed 37% of the energyused worldwide.According to the pie chart, the energy ____________ of the U.S.accounted for 37% of the total worldwide.


  There were wild fluctuations in natural gas exports from Russia over the period.

  There was a significant drop in the purchase of train tickets after the Chinese NewYear.

  Britain produces 3% of the world’s carbon dioxides emissions.According to the pie chart, the energy consumption of the U.S. accounted for 37%of the total worldwide.


  对于这个问题,其实考生们只要稍加注意,错误是完全可以避免的。需要提醒的有两方面:1. 要熟练掌握不规则动词的过去式、过去分词,使其成为一种习惯,习惯成自然。2. 任何时候,写下一个动词,都要想一想,是否符合时态、语态、人称的限制。





  China became the largest export country in 1999.

  Prices slumped.

  The US ranked in the world’s top five as a car manufacturer in 1985.

  而非限定动词,没有形式上的变化,包括:不定式(to do)、动名词(doing)、动词的现在分词和过去分词。它们不能充当独立的谓语动词,其所在的句子不能独立成句。例如:

  The growth started to decline after a slight fluctuation.

  The cost of insurance saw a rising trend, growing from only 2% to 8% by 2001.

  The consumption of oil was the highest in 2005, followed by coal and natural gas, taking up 28% and23% respectively.

  The table, combined with the bar chart, provides an overview of demographics of the United States from the early last century to the present.

  之所以强调独立成句,是因为,独立的句子,是构成并列句和复合句的基础。并列句即为用and, but, or, for 等并列连词连接的两个或两个以上独立句子,这两个句子可以使用不同的时态。当主语相同时,后句的主语可以承前省略。例如:

  As many as 78% of men were doing administrative work, whereas women who were working as salesand customer services staff rose to a record 75%.

  The number of people who go to the cinema dropped 5% and 1.2% more people enjoyed watching TV


  As many as 78% of men were doing administrative work, whereas women who were working as sales and customer services staff rose to a record 75%. (who 引导的定语从句)

  Through the line chart, we can easily draw the conclusion that before 2:00 pm, the number of radio audiences was larger than that of TV viewers. (that 引导的同位语从句)


  综上所述,学术类雅思小作文写作,虽然只有短短的20 分钟,寥寥150 个单词,却可谓步步惊心,马虎不得。但只要考生们大量阅读范文、揣摩体会其中的通篇构思、段落衔接、遣词造句等,多多积累,反复练习,避开本文中提到的雷区,能够厚积薄发,取得的成绩。

