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发布时间:2017-05-15 关键词:新航道519雅思节打卡挑战赛Day4任务答案解析

摘要:  新航道519雅思节打卡挑战赛Day4任务4——as cool as a cucumber是像黄瓜一样酷的意思吗?

  新航道519雅思节打卡挑战赛Day4任务4——as cool as a cucumber是像黄瓜一样酷的意思吗?





  1. After my curry favour with my boss, I will probably become the new office manager.

  A. 在我请老板吃过一次咖喱之后,我应该会成为新的业务经理。

  B. 在我给老板帮过咖喱的忙之后,我应该会成为新的业务经理。

  C. 在我拍过老板马屁之后,我应该会成为新的业务经理。

  D. 在我贿赂过老板之后,我应该会成为新的业务经理。

  2. She stepped into this room as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had ever happened.

  A. 什么都没发生,只是她和一根黄瓜一起酷酷地走进来。

  B. 她昂首挺胸地走进来,像什么都没发生过一样。

  C. 她淡定地走进来,像什么都没发生过一样。

  D. 什么都还没发生,只是她特别冷酷地走进来。

  3. I have to work harder, someone needs to bring home the bacon.

  A. 我得快点干活,他们需要我带培根回家。

  B. 我必须努力工作,他们需要我养家糊口。

  C. 我必须努力工作,家里才会有培根。

  D. 我必须努力工作,他们还在等待我的成功。

  4. She is having a bun in the oven, and it won’t take much longer.

  A. 她在烤面包,用不了多久就能烤好了。

  B. 她在酝酿,用不了多久就能做决定了。

  C. 她怀孕了,用不了多久就生了。

  D. 她在做准备,用不了多久就可以开始了。

  5. 以下哪个英文习语在中文中有意义用法相近的成语、谚语或俗语?

  A. Sorry, I’m feeling a bit under the weather now.

  B. Exam tomorrow? Break a leg!

  C. He’s a real wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  D. One more month to go before the wedding, he really needs to get his ducks in a row.


  1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C


  1. curry favour(尤指对当权者)讨好,奉承,拍马屁: To attempt to gain favour or ingratiate oneself, by officious courtesy or flattery. (Ref: The Phrase Finder)

  2. as cool as a cucumber(尤指出奇地)镇静,冷静,泰然自若: Calm and unruffled. (Ref: The Phrase Finder)

  3. bring home the bacon 养家糊口: To earn money, particularly for one's family; to be successful, especially financially successful. (Ref: The Phrase Finder)

  4. have a bun in the oven 怀孕: being pregnant


  be in the pudding club

  to be "in the family way"

  Modifications of the word "pregnant" include preggers



  Gentler terms include

  being "with child"


  5. 以下哪个英文习语在中文中有意义用法相近的成语、谚语或俗语?

  A. –feel under the weather: feel unwell/sick 生病;觉得不舒服

  B. –break a leg: used for wishing someone good luck, especially before a performance 祝你好运!

  C. – a real wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼

  D. – get his ducks in a row: get fully prepared 把他的事情都处理好
