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雅思口语范文鉴赏:Being Late

发布时间:2015-04-14 关键词:雅思口语范文鉴赏:Being Late

摘要:雅思口语范文对我们备考有很大的参考意义,北京新航道小编在下面的内容中为大家整理了“雅思口语范文鉴赏:Being Late”,供大家参考。

  雅思口语范文对我们备考有很大的参考意义,北京新航道小编在下面的内容中为大家整理了“雅思口语范文鉴赏:Being Late”,供大家参考。

  1. How do you feel when you are late?

  答题思路: 迟到总是会给对方留下不好的印象,如果自己迟到了,应该感到愧疚(guilty),并且向对方道歉(make an apology)。

  精品答案:Well, I would feel guilty if I am late, because being late wastes others’ time and leaves a bad impression. When I am late I will definitely apologize to my friends。

  2. How do you feel about those guys who are always late?

  答题思路:西方的人最忌讳别人迟到,这会让人觉得你不靠谱(not reliable)。当然,如果是偶尔迟到,或在不可抗力条件下的迟到,还是可以谅解的(understandable)

  精品答案:Well, being late for once or twice is quite understandable, but if one gets late all the time, he or she would leave me an impression that they are not reliable and trustworthy。

  3. What are normally the main reasons for being late?


  精品答案: Well, it could be anything, such as punctured tires (爆胎), diversions of traffic(交通变道), sudden descent of fog(突起大雾), or other emergencies coming up. Nevertheless, if you can start off earlier, you would avoid being late。

  以上是“雅思口语范文鉴赏:Being Late”,雅思口语学习材料敬请关注北京新航道雅思频道。

