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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语话题:假期做点啥


发布时间:2017-06-08 关键词:雅思口语话题:假期做点啥

摘要:  雅思口语话题:假期做点啥。也许在高考前,每个人都是一样的心怀忐忑,又抱有一点期待。但是,高考结束后,马上就可以开启“假期模式”了,那么,在雅思口语中怎么来地道地聊聊“假期做点啥”这件事呢?



  Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future.

  You should say:

  Where you want to go

  When you would like to go

  What you can do for the holiday

  Who you would like to go with

  And explain why you want to have this holiday.

  Um...with a holiday in the future, I guess I'd probably end up inviting my friends to come over for dinner. Most of the time, I’m kind of too busy to cook…. And if there’s a chance for me to do all the shopping and preparation, it’ll be a great chance for me to show off my cooking skills. In fact, I have a couple of secret recipes of my own but I rarely have the chance to try them out. And it would also be a good way to catch up with my close friends since we would finally have loads of time just to chat away. I actually feel quite excited just thinking about it.

  If I do end up inviting friends for dinner, I'll probably feel quite exhausted by the end of the holiday. But I'm sure it would be totally worth it, and it would also probabaly help me recharge for the future.



  1. feel like doing sth. 想做什么事情

  2. comfy adj. 舒服的

  3. lounge n. 起居室

  4. end up doing 最后会做……

  5. come over 拜访

  6. bond with 和…联络感情

  7. thrilling adj. 让人觉得又兴奋有趣的


  1. soothing adj. 让人宽心的

  2. have a blast 玩的很尽兴

  3. on the edge of one's seat 形容某人很兴奋
