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发布时间:2012-11-19 关键词:托福口语TPO题目及答案(TPO23)







  1. There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantage. Use details and examples in your response.


  One of the advantages to spending time living in another country is to learn a new perspective. Different country has different cultures. Different culture views things differently. For example, I once lived in United State. Almost all I experienced there are different from my experience in my home country. College students in the US earn living expenses and tuition fees by themselves while those in my country rely on their parents. Their way of living is also different from ours.


  They usually live off-campus and drive to school. We live on campus and walk to classroom. They don’t always eat in cafeteria because food there is a little experience, while we always eat in cafeteria because food there is the least expensive. So many different things come together to help me form a new perspective toward college life.


  2. Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why?


  I prefer to spend free time alone doing activities like reading, thinking and writing. I value my free time very much because that’s the time I can do whatever I like. I like reading and writing. By reading books, some masterpieces, I feel like I am talking with those great authors and masters. I enjoy great stories such as Robinson Crusoe, Boy’s life and Catcher in the Rye. By writing, I can take down the meaningful moments and thoughts in my life. Also, I can write my own stories. Every time I work out a story, I feel great and eager to let others read it. Through reading and writing, I can better understand my life. Only by staying alone can I read, write and think.


  3. The woman expresses her opinion about the plan announced in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


  Campus newspaper editors have made the decision to eliminate the international news section because other news sources can provide better international news coverage. Also, the space will be used as a calendar page covering events and activities around campus. The woman thinks it’s the right thing to do.来源:北京新航道托福培训 Her reason is that hardly anyone reads the international news section and students already know about the major stories from local paper and Internet before they read the section. So she thinks the campus newspaper should stick to the campus news. Her second reason is that right now information is everywhere on campus, in different buildings or in the student center. With the new calendar, students can cut it out, carry it around, and know what’s taking place and when and where.


  4. Using the example from the lecture, explain how people’s behavior is affected by reference groups.


  Reference groups are groups of people we admire. We tend to imitate their behavior and attitudes. The professor uses his own life experience to illustrate this phenomenon. When he entered university, he made friends with art students. The art students always dressed casually. They wore t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. The professor thought they were cool so he also started wearing t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. But after graduation, the professor got a job in Chicago. When his co-workers and he gathered for a concert or a baseball game, he found out that they all dressed up a little bit. The man would wear a nice pair of pants and the woman would wear fashionable dress. And he started to think these look really classy and sharp and began to wear like them. So his reference group has changed from the art students to his co-workers.


  5. Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


  The bus schedule has changed. But the man has to take a bus from campus to his job in town. Because the bus he used to take is going to leave earlier, he can’t get there in time. There are two possible solutions discussed in the conversation. The first solution is to talk to boss and change the work hours to late at night so that he can catch the later bus. But if he works late at night, he will be tired in the class early next morning. The second solution is to ride bike to work. It only takes 15mins. But the man is worrying that in bad weather, riding bike will be inconvenient. If I were the man, I would choose the second solution, since it only takes 15mins to get to work. Also, he can get exercise from riding the bike. Plus, not every day has bad weather. Even if the weather is bad, he can read the weather forecast and shift work hours ahead of time.


  6. Using the examples of the Venus flytrap and the sundew, describe two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients.


  In the lecture, the professor talks about two ways carnivorous plants capture insects. The first way is active trap. For example, Venus flytrap has some parts that can move to catch the prey Its leaves are hinged in the middle and the two parts of the leaves look like a mouth. Also its leaves have sweat nectar on them to attract the insects. When insects are attracted by the nectar and land on the leaves, the leaves spring shut and form little cages. Then Venus flytrap can digest the insects and get nutrients. The second way is passive trap. For example, the Sundew plant has no moving parts. It also has sweet nectar on its leaves. But its leaves are full of little hairs. When insects land on the leaves, hairs can produce super sticky glue substance. So the insects get stuck on the leaves and then Sundew plant can digest the insects and absorb nutrients.




