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发布时间:2014-05-12 关键词:新航道师资李老师详解5月3日SAT词汇填空真题




  1. Because the members of the audience were remarkably noisy, it was difficult for (A人名) to_____ the play’s dialogue.

  A. avoid B. diminish C. promote D. improve E. follow


  2. in fifteenth-century Europe,printing______ in freer like England and Holland, but not in France where the censorship was strict.

  A. Suffered B. collapsed c. elapsed(消逝) D. flourished E. relaxed

  解析:一到简单的取反逻辑的题目,注意转折词but,句子前后取反处理。But后者说在发过censorship 审查制度是比较严格的,所以前面是所受限制较小,因为比较繁荣。选D



  3. In the darkness far below the ocean’s surface, marine biologist S.E encountered the sparkle of_____ world whose creatures she has_____ as a “galaxy living stars.

  A. An opaque acclaimed

  B. A luminescent depicted

  C. A predatory denounced

  D. An aqueous quantified

  E. A scintillating overlook

  解析:此题注意galaxy living stars,以及sparkle这两个重点的表达,所以可以说明个空所填的词汇为正向并且能够体现闪耀绚烂这一特点,第二个空也要填正向的词,所以C选项的denounce 谴责和overlook 忽视不符合题意。A选项个词叫不透光,不符合题意。D选项表示水的,注意aqu这个词根,不符题意。选B

  4. In 1954. (ACA人名) hypothesized that the sickle cell gene provides a measure of____ malaria: people with the gene are less likely to_____ the disease.

  A. Vulnerability to surrender to

  B. Susceptibility to expire from

  C. Protection against succumb to

  D. Defense against conquer

  E. Security from overcome

  解析:此题目注意malaria 疟疾这个疾病,在OG和真题当中出现频率较高,注意:号,后面为前面句子的进一步解释和说明,有这个基因的人不太可能这种疾病,所以个空可以推断出是可以防治这种疾病的A 脆弱的排除,B对…敏感排除,第二空应表达出不容易得此种病D为征服不符题意,E克服不符题意。选C(succumb to 屈从)

  5. Artists AR(人名) was a founder of the Russian constructivist movement, which_____ artistic endeavor and political activism into an amalgam that its adherents regarded as____ to their cause.

  a. Spun 旋转 anathema 诅咒

  b. Distilled detrimental

  c. Expelled conductive

  d. Fused essential

  e. Reversed irrelevant

  解析:此题注意定语从句后面,把artistic endeavor和political activism 变成一个amalgam为突破口,amalgam是混合的意思,所以选D fuse 融合的意思。

  6. Hilton’s interest in____ led him to spend many hours researching his family’s history in town archives and libraries.

  A. Tautology 同意反复 B. sanctimony 假装虔诚 C. genealogy 宗谱 D. litigation 诉讼 E. ascendancy 优势

  解析:注意句子后面去研究家庭历史,所以通过词根gene也能选出 答案 C

  7. Sculptor TD uses material such as rubber bands, plastic cups, and pencils, transforming these____ objects into something marvelous.

  A. Stereotypical 老一套的B. mundane 平凡的 c. aesthetic D. sublime 庄严的 E. repulsive 厌恶的


  8. Although once enthusiastic about driving, Gita eventually became_____ as a result of a grueling(折磨人的) stint as a city cabdriver.

  A entranced着迷 B placated 和解 C liberated 解放 D proficient精通的 E jaded 疲倦,疲惫


  1. Janet’s____was evident to every present because she glanced around at them____

  A. guilt confidently

  B. anxiety calmly

  C. conviction uneasily

  D. hopefulness gloomily

  E. suspicion distrustfully


  2. Early twentieth-century writers EH and ESVm owed much of their visibility to self-promotion: both were adept at_____ their own literary works.

  A. marketing B. modernizing C. duplicating D. Finalizing E. editing


  3.Chemistry professor MH learned about the National science Foundation fellowship program in____way: she happened across an advertisement for it in a magazine she read during jury duty.

  A an orthodox B.an anachronistic C. a fortuitous D. dilatory E. a nefarious

  解析:注意冒号,句子后面进一步解释递进句子前面的语义,Happened across 碰巧发生,表示偶然,答案选C。

  Orthodox 正统的

  Anachronistic 时代错误的

  Dilatory 拖拉的

  Nefarious 邪恶的 这几个词都是高频重点词汇,需要记牢

  4.Many today would consider PW to have been remarkably_____: by age 12 she was studying Latin, and soon after, she was translating O into English.

  A. Taciturn 沉默的 B. rambunctious喧闹的 C. garrulous D precocious E. winsome 迷人的


  5.The philosopher claimed that we humans are essentially_____, given to dissembling in order to further our interests.

  A altruistic B redoubtable C. pugnacious D. duplicitous E. complacent

  解析:准确把握句子后面的dissembling 掩盖,further our interests,所以不选A altruistic 利他的,c选项好斗一类词语重点记忆E 选项自满一类词语需高频记忆。答案选D 奸诈的,表里不一的。

  6. D‘s____ nature worried his friends, who say such fearlessness would one day lead him in trouble

  A. callous B intrepid C circumspect D. disingenuous E mercurial

  解析:注意such后面的内容为空格所缺意思,fearlessness 无谓,勇敢,答案选B


  7.A trial transcript is a____ record of courtroom testimony, useful whenever a witness’s exact word must be repeated

  A. verbatim B. subjective C. spurious D. marginal E. vigorous

  解析:此题难度不大,逗号后面解释前面句子,意思为当证人的证词需要被重新阐释的时候是有用的,体现了trial transcript的公平性和客观性。A. verbatim 逐字的B. 客观的 C.伪造的 D.边缘的,临界的 E.有活力的 答案选B

  1.The aroma of the freshly baked bread was so ____that we were tempted to buy three loaves.

  A. enticing B. unruly C. convenient D. fabricated E. generic

  解析:此题相对较容易。面包的香味太怎样,以至于我们被诱惑去买了三个。答案选A enticing迷人的,引诱的。Unruly 不守规矩的 convenient 方便的,fabricated 造假的,generic一类的。


  The twigs of this shrub have a signature _________ whose pungency enables people to _________ the shrub even in winter when its leaves have fallen.

  (A) scent cultivate

  (B) flavor conceal

  (C) appearance recognize

  (D) texture locate

  (E) aroma identify

  2.Muddy Waters_____ a generation of musical____:they imitated his innovative playing style and eventually solidified his reputation as a blues pioneer.

  A. emulated followers B. chastised contenders C. resisted paragons

  D. fostered critics E. inspired disciples

  解析:此题较为简单,冒号后面说后人模仿他的风格。所以M这个人祈祷了先锋指导作用。答案选A 注意chastise 惩罚一类同义词为考试的重点,需要注意。Paragon模范

  3.in these mountains, the_____ stature of plants testifies to the inhibiting influence of______, often buffeting, winds.

  A. small constant B. diminutive imperceptible C. typical moderate

  D. considerable intermittent E. giant destructive

  解析:答案选 E

  4. some of the guests were positively_____,speaking disrespectfully to their host and generally exhibiting deplorable manners.

  A. bemused B. cursory C. forlorn D. incoherent E. uncouth

  解析:bemused 困惑,发呆 cursory 草率的 forlorn 绝望的,孤独的 incoherent 不连贯的 uncouth 笨拙的,粗野的。句子都好后面体现客人的举止说话不得体,答案选E

  5.the economist had a reputation as_____; his colleagues liked to tease him that he_____ recession because he looked for trouble.

  A a maverick expected B. an ogre disregarded C. an alarmist foresaw

  d. an indigent downplay E. a scholar enjoyed


  6. Initially______ by some shortsighted members of the scientific community, Barbara McClintock was ultimately______ when she received a Nobel Prize in 1983 for her groundbreaking research in genetics.

  A repudiated abjured B. immortalized exonerated C. rebuffed vindicated

  D. derided ostracized E. eulogized substantiated



  7. The city councilwoman was devoted to_____ principles, for she believed that all her constituents deserved equal rights and privileges.

  A. sectarian B. egalitarian C. authoritarian D. diplomatic E. bureaucratic

  解析:此题逻辑较为清晰,难点在词汇的把握,逗号后面已经解释希望所有的人有平等的权利,答案选B egalitarian 平等主义者。Sectarian 宗派主义者 authoritarian 权利主义者 diplomatic 外交的 bureaucratic 官僚主义者。

  8. Both of the twins tended toward_____, and these attention-seeking emotional displays had won neither of them many friends.

  A punctiliousness B. stridency C. seditiousness D. histrionics E. sagacity

  解析:注意句子逗号后面attention-seeking emotional 希望多人眼球的的做作行为,故答案选 D。 punctiliousness 一丝不苟,小心翼翼,stridency 尖锐,seditiousness 煽动性 histrionics装腔作势的举止和态度,sagacity 睿智