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发布时间:2017-06-19 关键词:雅思口语话题:不同意的决定

摘要:前几天,有一期奇葩说的议题是“要不要一键定制孩子完美人生”,想到那些父母做的 “为我好”的决定,小伙伴们是不是有同感呢?在我们自己的人生道路上,如果坚持自己的梦想,能对父母为你定制的“完美人生”说不吗?那么在雅思口语中,不同意的决定该如何表达呢?

  前几天,有一期奇葩说的议题是“要不要一键定制孩子完美人生”,想到那些父母做的 “为我好”的决定,小伙伴们是不是有同感呢?




  Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with.


  You should say:

  What the decision was;

  How it was made;

  What you disagreed with;

  And explain why you disagreed with it.

  Well, I gotta say I disagree with my parents’ decision about my path after graduation from oversea studies.

  You know, I am taking the IELTS now and plan to further my study in the UK. And after graduation, my intention is to stay in the UK and get a job there. I mean compared with the environment in Beijing, UK will be a better choice. I am sure if you have stayed in China for a while, you might have realized the serious air pollution problems like smog or PM 2.5. The traffic here never stops bringing troubles to residents by presenting traffic jams. And the ridiculously high property price destroys dreams of so many young couples.

  And as far as I am concerned, UK is a pretty nice country. Natural environment is well preserved and we can always see the blue sky, while clouds, clear sea waters and clean streets. We can even see the stars clearly dotted in the night sky. And it is true that the educational system in the UK ranks top and it offers optimal business opportunities as well.

  However, the sad thing is that my parents strongly insist that I come back to Beijing and work here after graduation. They believe that home is always the first choice to them, however dirty or polluted it is. And as said by my mother, if I could work in Beijing, all my families will be close-by and it will be easier for them to visit me or I visit them. Despite all our problems in the city, it can get better, which can be proved by the policies of support clean energy, advocating green transport, updating industries of heavy pollution.

  I don’t agree with them honestly. But what is funny is that I haven’t even got accepted by a UK university and they have made their decisions about what I shall do after graduation. You know, parents are always like that.


  不同意:disagree with


  与...相比较:compared with

  严重的空气污染:serious air pollution problems


  在我看来:as far as I am concerned


  清洁能源:clean energy

  重污染:heavy pollution
