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发布时间:2017-07-14 关键词:雅思口语Part 3必备的6大政治热词
摘要: 关于雅思口语Part 3 我们经常要谈及一些,所以我们要储备一些关于政治方面的热词,我们并不讨论政治,只为你的雅思口语词库做填充,快向下滑动储备必用的英语词汇吧!让你轻松应对Part 3 !
雅思口语Part 3必备的6大政治热词。关于雅思口语Part 3 我们经常要谈及一些,所以我们要储备一些关于政治方面的热词,北京新航道小编并不讨论政治,只为你的雅思口语词库做填充,快向下滑动储备必用的英语词汇吧!让你轻松应对Part 3 !
1. post-truth /ˌpəʊs(t)ˈtruːθ/ adj
relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
It has also become associated with a particular noun, in the phrase post-truth politics.
2. xenophobia /zɛnəˈfəʊbɪə/ n.
fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers
实至名归的第二名,在英国脱欧 & 奥巴马演讲后搜索率更是急速增高
该词由两个希腊单词作为词源组合而成的:xénos(陌生人)+ phóbos(恐惧、恐慌),中文是“仇外”的意思。
6月24日在英国脱欧公投计票结果揭晓后,对xenophobia的搜寻上升了938%。6月29日奥巴马在演讲中称特朗普的竞选言论不是“民粹主义”(populism),而且是“本土主义、或仇外情绪,或更糟”(nativism or xenophobia)”,网友对xenophobia的查看再次猛增。
3. alt-right n.
(in the US) an ideological grouping associated with extreme conservative or reactionary viewpoints, characterized by a rejection of mainstream politics and by the use of online media to disseminate deliberately controversial content.
4. Brexiteer n.
British informal a person who is in favour of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union.
5. glass cliff n
used with reference to a situation in which a woman or member of a minority group ascends to a leadership position in challenging circumstances where the risk of failure is high.
6. woke adj
(woker, wokest) US informal alert to injustice in society, especially racism.