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雅思口语Part 2:这项发明拯救了全人类!

发布时间:2022-08-01 关键词:雅思口语part2


  雅思口语Part 2:这项发明拯救了全人类 应该怎么说?最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe an invention that changed the world in a positive way”。聊到这个话题时,很多人可能会想到,电灯、汽车、飞机等等,但是对我来说,我认为最值得一提的是“农业”。在农业发展之前,人类过着游牧的生活方式,常常没有足够的食物。农业究竟是如何发展的,咱们一起来看看吧!“农业文明”的兴起,拯救了全人类,不仅为发展中国家的人们创造了摆脱贫困的机会,还给许多行业提供了就业机会。可以说,如果没有农业,现代人类社会就不会存在。

雅思口语Part 2:这项发明拯救了全人类!

本期雅思口语Part 2 话题

  Describe an invention that changed the world in a positive way

  You should say:

  What benefits it has brought

  How it influences people of different ages

  And explain how it changed people’s lives



  I think one of the most important inventions in human history has been farming. Agriculture was invented about 7000 years ago and forever changed people’s lives. Before farming, humans lived a nomadic lifestyle which focused on hunting and gathering and allowed us to roam the planet. This could be good at times but most of the time, our ancestors didn’t have access to enough food. Therefore, starvation was quite common especially during winters.

  Early farmers domesticated cereals, fruits, vegetables and animals. This helped bring reliable food resources with highnutrient contents to the society. In turn, the stable food supply created by farms kept people from starving, and in fact led to a rapid increase in population around the world.

  Today, agriculture continues to grow to meet the demand for food as our global population is expected to reach 10billion by 2050. Farming creates opportunities to lift people out of poverty in developing nations. In addition, farming also create many jobs in sectors such as food processing, transportation, and manufacturing. Therefore, human society wouldn’t have existed if farming hadn’t been invented.

  Words & expressions in this episode

  1. nomadic adj. 游牧的;流浪的

  2. roam v. 漫游;漫步

  3. domesticate v. 驯养;驯化

  4. nutrient n. 养分;营养物;养料

  以上就是雅思口语Part 2:这项发明拯救了全人类 的逻辑结构及表达范文。希望对您雅思口语备考有所帮助!若您还想了解更多有关雅思口语题库、雅思口语评分标准、雅思口语怎么连等相关内容,欢迎持续关注本站!我们将根据节目结合时事以及主流热点,每期节目控制在3分钟左右,碎片化学习,帮助您提高雅思口语表达!
