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发布时间:2021-08-12 关键词:雅思小作文
第 一句话说明图的大意:Shown in the graph are three lines that respectively depict the total number of tourists visiting a Caribbean island, as well as the specific numbers of two particular types of tourists. 第 一句话中注意下划线部分是引起了一个倒装句(主语和系动词位置颠倒的倒装),这种倒装结构可以当成模板套用。The general viewof those numbers is that they all had evident overall growth. 第二句话说明图的最宏观最直观的特点。
老章决定按照线的起点顺序展开写作。并且最上面的一条线是total number,那这样的顺序就正好也是让作文的主体部分以“总—分”,即“先总人数,再两种具体游客群体”的结构展开。并且,老章决定把这条线拆成三部分来写:Most conspicuously, the growth in the total number, which started at 1 million, continued for five years. 第 一句话的内容覆盖这条线的前五年作为第 一部分。第二句话把后两年作为后两个部分一句话写完:After it wasinterrupted in 2016 when the number stayed at the previous year’s level (approx. 2.7 million), the growth accelerated, and the number surged to 3.5 million. 如何把两个部分一句话写完?善用after这个表达时间先后顺序的词。这样就可以把两句话合成一句话写了。
第二段写起点排在第二位的线:Some of the visitors went on to the island. 第 一句话用一个简单短小的句子介绍一下要描写的人群。接下来这句话的写法值得注意:Although their number, during the years, had an overall increase from roughly 0.8 million to 1.5 million, it was stagnant for two years in a row, which are 2014 and 2015, and had a slip afterwards. 这句话用了although这个让步,句子的逻辑是“从整体到特殊细节”,即“虽然整体如何,但是特殊要注意的是什么”。这个句子模式和对应的逻辑模式可以套用。
第三段写起点排在第三位的线,并且,这一段的写作方式和上一段是基本上一样的,那么,这样可以在考场上省脑筋省时间:There were also tourists who stayed on the cruise ships.The years witnessed a marked rise in their number to 2 million from merely 0.7 million, despite the initial slight up-and-down during the first two years. 这句话的句子模式和对应的逻辑模式和上面一段的那一句相同,只是用了不一样的让步引导词despite。同时注意:先to xxx再from xxx也是对的,不用担心。It is also notable that the numberexceeded that of the visitors going onto the island during the course of growth. 最后最好补充一句描写交点处的超越作为一个重要特征。实在是忘记写了也无妨。
In general, the numbers grew in disparate ways, and the island’s popularityincreased.