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支招雅思小作文 I 流程图 太阳能结构&工作原理

发布时间:2024-10-18 关键词:雅思小作文

摘要:The diagrams show the structure of a solar panel and its use.

   The diagrams show the structure of a solar panel and its use.



  Body 1:solar panel的构造介绍

  Body 2:heat air的工作流程

  Body 3:heat water的工作流程


  The diagrams illustrate the design of a solar panel and how it can be used to heat air and water.


  Overall, this solar panel can be divided into a square cover and a container, and this system is used to heat air or water by using solar power.


  - 整个装置包括一个方形盖子和一个容器

  - 这个装置利用太阳能加热空气和水

  Body paragraph 1

  Regarding the structure, we can see that lying on the top of the solar panel is a see-through square piece of glass, which allows sun rays to pass through and enables solar power to be converted into thermal energy. Beneath it, there is a container, with an inlet acting as an entrance located on its left, and an outlet serving as an exit situated on the right-hand side.


  图1(solar panel的构造介绍)

  - 顶部有一片正方形的透明玻璃→功能:使得太阳光光穿过,太阳能转化成热能

  - 玻璃片下面有一个容器:左边是一个inlet(入口),右边是一个outlet(出口)

  Body paragraph 2

  In terms of the application of such solar panel, we can see that one possible use is to generate warm air. Specifically, sun rays travel through the glass top, raising the temperature of the box. Thus, once cool air enters the container through the inlet, it is heated by the generated energy and is channeled out through the outlet as warm air.

  思路要点:图2(heat air流程)

  - sun rays穿过玻璃→box温度升高→当cool air从inlet进入box,被加热→变成warm air,从outlet被送出

  Body paragraph 3

  Similarly, it is clear from the third diagram that water also flows into the box and is heated under sun rays there. The only difference is thatbefore being transformed to warm water for further use, the cold water is first directed into a zigzag water pipe where it is boiled.

  思路要点: 图3(heat water流程)

  - 和heat air流程类似,water也是流入box→被加热

  - 和heat air流程的区别:变成warm water前,cold water会先进入一个Z形管道被加热



