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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 8月11日雅思大作文示范写作|钱取代礼物的原因与利弊


发布时间:2022-08-16 关键词:雅思大作文





  In more and more countries, people give money on special occasions rather than gifts chosen personally. Why might this be the case? Is this a positive or negative development?



  In an increasing number of nations, cash has replaced many traditional presents selected personally on some special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays. Personally, behind this phenomenon are two predominant factors, and such a trend, running counter to the widespread ideology, is advantageous in fact.



  Ø run counter to sth. v. 与…背道而驰


  To start with, this trend can be partly ascribed to the change of certain conventions. In the past, people were usually restrained by more traditional customs and taboos when selecting gifts, and they needed to take various factors into consideration. For instance, in some regions of China, when attending a wedding ceremony, the guests should choose a present that not only carried sincere wishes but also accorded with their social status and the relationship between them and the hosts. However, in modern society, citizens, especially youngsters, attach greater importance to usefulness instead of those old conventions. Besides, it is due to the current fast-paced lifestyle that modern men, wrapped up in their work, tend to give money, by which the receivers can buy whatever they want, rather than waste a large amount of time in getting to know receivers’ preference.


  原因1:传统观念的变化(过去:场合对应礼物 → 现在:没有太多惯例约束,讲究实用性);原因2:快节奏生活 → 讲究效率 → 挑礼物费时间

  Ø ascribe sth. to sth. vt. 归因于

  Ø convention n.[C] 习俗,惯例

  Ø restrain vt. 限制

  Ø be wrapped up in 把全部精力放在某事上〔以至于没有时间关心别的事〕


  It is justifiable for some to censure such a development, as it may exert a negative impact on the cohesion and connections between the hosts and the guests. To illustrate, cash fails to carry any particular significance, and thus people are more likely to see how much the guest gives as how sincere he or she is. By contrast, the gifts chosen personally can better reflect how well the guest understands the host. However, this is only an incomplete part of the whole picture, which indicates that behind such a trend are more potential gains. The most conspicuous one is that the receivers can freely allocate the money to what they are truly fond of, and meanwhile there is no need for the guests to be plagued by pondering which gift to choose. In comparison, even though the gift might be elaborately chosen, it can still be a waste if the receiver is really in no need of it.


  让步(坏处):不能反映特殊意义 → 影响关系;立论(好处):实用,不会浪费

  Ø censure vt. 谴责,诟病

  Ø exert vt. 施加

  Ø conspicuous adj. 明显的

  Ø plague vt. 困扰

  Ø ponder vt. 仔细思考

  Ø elaborately adv. 精心地


  To recapitulate, people give cash as presents with certain traditions withering away, and I deem the downsides of this trend are far overshadowed by the upsides.



  Ø recapitulate v. 总结

