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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 5月13日雅思大作文示范写作 | 不正当的名人是否给青年树立良好榜样

5月13日雅思大作文示范写作 | 不正当的名人是否给青年树立良好榜样

发布时间:2023-05-16 关键词:雅思大作文示范写作



  Nowadays, celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?



  Idolizing stars in either entertainments or sports industry is common among youngsters today, while this faddism has been frowned upon by skeptics who argue that these household names are simply well known for their charm and money instead of concrete accomplishment.



  如今,名人更出名的是他们的魅力和财富,而不是他们的成就,这给年轻人树立了一个不好的榜样。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这种说法? 名人影响话题经典题目,最近一次出现在2020年12月。注意先探讨题目中的前提 more famous for glamour and wealth than accomplishments是否合理,再勘查他们是否对年轻人构成负面影响。

  Idolizing stars 追星

  Faddism n.赶时髦

  Be frowned upon 被不赞成

  Skeptics n. 怀疑论者

  Body 1

  Granted, there is a proliferation of fame due to pervasive use of virtual social media. Aiming for huge social media following, some movie stars or pop stars capitalize on selfies of one’s sensational figure in a tiny dress or posing for a lavish lifestyle. This gimmick is also used by millionaire influencer who target to be Internet sensation. Therefore, it is absurd to overlook its repercussions over teenagers who are daily users of YouTube and Twitter, with the worst-case scenario being falling prey to eating disorder or consumerism.



  Proliferation n.激增

  Huge social media following 巨量的社交媒体粉丝

  Capitalize on selfies 利用自拍照 capitalize on利用

  Posing for a lavish lifestyle 奢华的生活方式

  Gimmick n.把戏(贬义)

  Internet sensation 网络风云人物

  Repercussions n.长期负面影响

  Eating disorder n. 饮食紊乱症 bulimia暴食症/anorexia厌食症

  Body 2

  However, it is not entirely fair to blame these public figures for setting a bad example for young adults; huge earning and charm are a justification for their hard work. Olympic medalists serve as a perfect example, who in all probability undergo years of intensive physical training. Similarly, business leaders who reach tycoon status have put in lots of late nights and weekends to build their business, with no certainty of success. The above-mentioned qualities undoubtedly are instrumental for one’s adulthood, paving the way for further development in either personal life, academia or career.



  Public figures 公众人物

  Huge earning 巨额收入

  Justification 合理化解释 A is a justification for B

  Olympic medalist 奥运会获奖者

  Intensive physical training 集中训练

  Reach tycoon status 达到大亨地位

  With no certainty of success没有成功的确定性的情况下

  Instrumental adj.有帮助的

  Ending paragraph

  My view is that although sensationalizing icons’ image by displaying wealth or status has been possible by various online communication, stating that their implications are solely negative would be a gross exaggeration.



  Sensationalize v.炒作

  Implication n.影响

  A gross exaggeration 夸大其词
