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发布时间:2024-08-30 关键词:雅思小作文
摘要:The chart below gives information about the journeys to school by children aged between 5-10 in the UK in one year.
The chart below gives information about the journeys to school by children aged between 5-10 in the UK in one year.
-Body 1:up to 1 mile、1-2 miles
-Body 2:3-5 miles、5+miles
The bar chart illustrates how 5-to-10-year-old children in Britain commuted to school in a year.
Overall, the majority of students preferred to walk or cycle for journeys that were 2 miles or shorter, but buses and cars were the most common options among those who travelled longer distances.
- ≤2miles:walk和bicycle比例更高
- ≥3miles:car和bus比例更高
【Body 1】
In terms of commuting distance within a mile, roughly 89% of the surveyed students went to school on foot, almost 9 times the figure for cycling. By contrast, automobiles were less favored for this distance, accounting for only less than 2% of the total journeys. In the 1-2-mile range, walking was still the most popular option, as it was chosen by 73% of the students. The other three modes of transport were less common, with the figures ranging from 3% to 15%.
- up to 1 mile:walk数据,大约是bicycle的9倍,car和bus数据最小
- 1-2 miles:walk数据,其余三种方式区间在3% 到15%
【Body 2】
The reverse was true for longer commuting distances. Regarding 3-to-5-mile journeys, buses took the lead (60%), twice as large as the figure for car journeys. Fewer than 10% of the students went to school by bike or on foot within such distance. For journeys over 5 miles, 78% of the students commuted to school by bus, followed by the figure for cars(29%). However, no students commuted through walking if they lived over 5 miles from school.
- 3-5 mile:bus数据,是car的2倍,其余两种方式数据低于10%
- 5+ miles:bus,car第二,但没有人walk