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发布时间:2024-05-15 关键词:托福口语




  2024.5.11 Speaking Task 1

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful in school, students should be highly organized.


  本场考试独立口语题目比较常规,考察的是教育学习话题下,关于学生是否应该自律有规划。教育学习类话题和学生的日常学习息息相关,一般学生碰到这个题目可说的比较多,但是要注意在表达的时候尽可能保证有很好地呼应到题目中的目的限定“to be successful”这个点,也就是答案应该围绕“学业有成”的角度分析,而不是单纯地说“自己是否喜欢/适合有规划的学习生活”。


  学习方法:Many college students have part-time jobs. Some prefer to take classes during the day and work at night or on weekends. Others like to work during the day and take night or weekend classes. Which one do you think is better? Please explain why and support your answer using details and examples. [2023.01.10]

  学习内容:Some high schools require students to pass a physical fitness exam in which they are tested on their ability to perform certain physical activities, such as running and swimming, in order to graduate. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not. Support your opinion with specific details and examples. [2023.02.15]


  Sample answer

  I do agree with the statement that being organized can greatly contribute to a student's success in school.

  My first reason would be that currently, we students are required to finish too many tasks and if we fail to keep organized, we are very likely to fail in our exams. But imagine, if we could get our schedule nailed down and our study materials organized, it's like having our own personal cheat code for acing those tests and crushing those deadlines. So , if a student wanna achieve an ideal academic performance in school, keeping things tight and organized is definitely the name of the game(最本质最重要的东西).Also, being highly organized equips students with the flexibility to adapt to unexpected changes or challenges. Whether it's a sudden project extension, a pop quiz(突击小测验), or a rescheduled class, organized students can adjust plans efficiently without feeling stressed out. So, being organized isn't just about staying on schedule—it's about being prepared for anything school life throws at us and help make sure that we can always keep a positive learning attitude! (179 words)




  Andrew 认为缺点是员工接受培训后会离开。

  Claire 认为优点是员工有更高忠诚度。

  Your professor is teaching a class on entrepreneurship. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

  In your response, you should do the following.

  - Express and support your opinion.

  - Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Dr. Achebe

  In recent corporate strategies, we've observed a trend where companies are offering to pay for their employees' tuition fees or providing additional vacation time in exchange for the employees enrolling in further skills training courses, such as university programs. This approach is seen as a way to enhance the workforce's capabilities and foster a culture of continuous learning. What do you perceive as the most significant advantage or disadvantage of such a policy?


  In my view, the downside of companies paying for employees' further education is that it could lead to increased turnover. If workers gain new skills, they might feel empowered to seek better opportunities elsewhere. I've heard of cases where employees, after getting their degrees, decide to leave for more competitive roles or higher pay, which can be a significant loss for the company that invested in their education.


  I see a different angle on this policy of companies funding employee education. When a company invests in an employee's future, it sends a powerful message of value and sincerity. It's like they're saying, 'We believe in you and your growth.' For me, that kind of commitment would make me feel more dedicated to the company.



  参考范文(表达立场)I totally agree with Claire’s view that companies should financially support employees to further their education or permit them to undergo professional training. This proactive stance not only fosters a sense of value and motivation among employees, just as Claire has mentioned, but also serves as a strategic move for companies to retain and attract top talents.(理由展开)To be specific, it is not uncommon to see that many corporations solely focused on the profit maximization with less investment in terms of improving their workers’ abilities, often resulting in the loss of talented and loyal staff. In contrast, proposing the policy to encourage staff to update their professional skills by receiving either further education or skill training not only cultivates a culture of continuous learning but also enhances the company's image as one dedicated to excellence. Such initiatives signal the company's commitment to employee welfare and talent development, making it more attractive to industry professionals and fostering employee retention. (举例) For example, when my brother was offered a paid holiday to enroll in a photography class, he felt a deeper commitment to his work and expressed no desire to leave his job. Therefore, such policies represent a win-win strategy. (200 words)



