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发布时间:2021-03-17 关键词:托福写作
摘要:综合写作考查我们对阅读材料和听力材料的复述能力。对于阅读材料,虽然在写作的时候阅读材料会呈现在屏幕上,但是我们在获取其中的信息时,不可能完全照搬照抄,应该利用自己的语言把核心意思复述出来。对于听力的内容更是如此,说的话,我们不可能原封不动,一字不落地写出来,只能用自己的语言进行复述。所以,对于综合写作,考生们的练习内容就是复述。下面,利用TPO 15的综合写作练习题中的一段进行示范。
综合写作考查我们对阅读材料和听力材料的复述能力。对于阅读材料,虽然在写作的时候阅读材料会呈现在屏幕上,但是我们在获取其中的信息时,不可能完全照搬照抄,应该利用自己的语言把核心意思复述出来。对于听力的内容更是如此,说的话,我们不可能原封不动,一字不落地写出来,只能用自己的语言进行复述。所以,对于综合写作,考生们的练习内容就是复述。下面,利用TPO 15的综合写作练习题中的一段进行示范。
【TPO 15阅读材料第二段原文】
One way to prevent the spread of the toad would be to build a national fence. A fence that blocks the advance of the toads will prevent them from moving into those parts of Australia that they have not yet colonized. This approach has been used before: a national fence was erected in the early part of the twentieth century to prevent the spread of rabbits, another animal species that was introduced in Australia from abroad and had a harmful impact on its native ecosystems.
① 提炼主要逻辑:
national fence → prevent → not go to the unoccupied area;
② 用中文复述上述逻辑:
护栏阻止cane toads进入未占领地区;
③ 将上述中文复述翻译成英文:
The author suggests building a fence to stop the toads, and they cannot go to the unoccupied areas.
【TPO 15听力材料第二段原文】
First of all, a national fence probably won’t stop the spread of the toad. That’s because young toads and toad eggs are found in rivers and streams. No matter where the fence is located, at some point there will be rivers or streams flowing from one side to the other. These waterways will be able to carry the young toads and their eggs to the other side. Since it’s only necessary for a few young toads or eggs to get through the fence in order to establish population on the other side, the fence is unlikely to be effective.
① 提炼主要逻辑:
young toads and eggs in streams and rivers → flowing → carry to other side → through to establish population → not effective
② 用中文复述上述逻辑:
③ 将上述中文复述翻译成英文:
The professor holds that the young toads and toad eggs are in flowing waterways, like streams and rivers. These little animals would be carried through the fence by the flowing water to establish population at the other side of the fence. Thus, the fence would be not effective.
At first, in the passage, the author suggests building a fence to stop the toad, and they cannot go to the unoccupied areas. By contrast, the professor in the lecture holds that the young toads and toad eggs are in flowing waterways, like streams and rivers. These little animals would be carried through the fence by the flowing water to establish population at the other side of the fence. Thus, the fence would not be effective.