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发布时间:2021-07-09 关键词:托福写作素材分享


       自2019年以来,新冠病毒在全球蔓延流行,波及了许多产业,全球经济也受到了严重影响。据英国《每日邮报》4月21日报道,联合国发出警告:“全世界将会有30多个国家受到此次经济危机的影响,出现大规模饥荒,而此次的世界性饥荒会波及的全球人口高达2.5亿。”世界性饥荒(world hunger)这个问题在托福写作的考试中也曾多次出现,去年的家庭版考试中就有考过一次,考题如下:World hunger is a complicated issue that has been frequently discussed but not resolved. Some people believe the problem can only be addressed by wealthy governments and large companies. Other people believe that each one of us can actually do something to solve the problem of hunger. Which opinion do you agree with? Why?此题看似有一些难度,但是如果我们从“导致世界性饥荒发生的原因“入手,就会简单很多。世界性饥荒发生的原因其实涉及到很多个方面,除了上面提到过的经济危机之外,还包括:环境污染、人口爆炸、气候条件不佳、种植技术落后等等,而这一切的解决都离不开政府和企业的支持,不是靠个人的力量可以轻松解决的。所以,选择前者会更容易写,上述提到的点都可以写入写作。那提到了种植技术,我们在这里就不得不提到一个人啦,那就是袁隆平,袁爷爷,我们的“世界杂交水稻之父”。今天,就让我们一起来了解了解他的故事!(本故事取自胡敏老师主编的《用英语讲中国故事--熟练级》)


  Defeating Hunger with Hybrid Rice用杂交水稻战胜饥饿

  Do you know that people used to eat a kind of white clay called guanyintu in times of famine, even though they knew they would die of it? Have you ever had the grisly experience of finding bodies of people who have starved to death littering the countryside?


  Peace, happiness and well-stocked granaries-we should take none of them for granted.


  The first winner of the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Yuan Longping is also known as the “World's Father of Hybrid Rice.” Each day, Yuan, who is nearly 90 years old, gets on his old motorbike to inspect his experimental fields twice:at nine o'clock in the morning and at three o'clock in the afternoon, from the moment the seed is planted to the time of its harvest. His wife says that he looks at his plants in the fields in the way other people look at their beloved sons. Sometimes he is so engrossed that he forgets to go home for his meals.

  他是袁隆平,是首届国家最 高科学技术奖得主,是中国工程院院士,是“世界杂交水稻之父”。每天上午9点和下午3点,这位年近90的老头子都要骑上他的旧摩托车,到试验田里转上一圈,从播种开始到收获为止。他的老伴儿说,去田里看水稻就跟别人看儿子一样,越看越着迷,有时甚至忘了回家吃饭。

  What Yuan Longping looks at is hybrid rice. Hybridization means that two rice varieties that have certain differences in inheritance and good complementary characteristics are selected to produce hybrid varieties with heterosis so as to improve the yield and quality of rice. Yuan Longping is the leading scientist in the area of hybrid rice in China. He succeeded in developing hybrid rice varieties with “three line methods” and “two line methods,” and super riceⅠandⅡ. He also proposed the implementation of the “Bumper Harvest Project of Growing on Three Mu and Yielding That of Four.” In Sepemter 2017 Yuan Longping declared that he had mastered a new technique to removed cadmium, a harmful heavy metal, from rice. In October that year crop yield measuring was carried out at the experimental base for the “Seawater Rice” Project led by Yuan Longping. As a result, it is now possible that the 280 million mu (One mu equals to 0.667 hectares) of saline-alkali land in China will in the future be transformed into good farmland.


  What do these achievements of Yuan Longping's mean? They mean that China can feed 20% of the world's population with 7% of the world's farmland.China has solved the issues of providing enough food for its 1.3 billion population and ensuring domestic food security. China's hybrid rice is promoted in over 30 countries and regions worldwide, planted on a total area of 1.5 million hectares. Hybrid rice has made an outstanding contribution to hunger reduction all over the world.


  But the research on hybrid rice was never an easy undertaking. In October 2014 large-area crop losses and complete failure occurred in fields planted with the “Liangyou 0293” rice variety in Bengbu and Anqing, Anhui Province. The crops in over 10,000 mu of fields were affected. There were continual voices expressing doubt about Yuan Longping and his hybrid rice, and the research on hybrid rice went through a difficult period. Nevertheless, Yuan Longping soldiered on. He went to the affected areas personally, and carried out investigations with experts from Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Anhui Agricultural University. In the end, it was found that the disaster was caused by an abnormal rice blight. The variety had strong lodging resistance but it had the weakness of high susceptibility to rice blight. Anhui was not an area prone to rice blight in the past. But that year there was a rare spell of low temperature and rainy weather. People did not take proper measures to prevent the rice disease, which resulted in its spread.


  Yuan Longping returned his office, and sat there musing for a long time. Although he had found the cause of the crop failures, he also realized that the local farmers had suffered irretrievable losses that year. He became more conscious about his responsibility. Not dwelling on self-reproach and refusing to give up easily, he started a new and more rigorous round of research on hybrid rice. During that period, when food security was not completely guaranteed, the “yield” was the most important target. As the demand for food supplies had been basically met in China, the targets of “high quality and multi-resistance” became more and more important. After many years of experiment and research, Yuan Longping finally bred a batch of super-rice varieties characterized by high yield, good quality, high resistance and wide adaptability.


  Besides the disaster resistance of the rice crops, people also raised their requirements for rice quality. Once, Yuan Longping heard that many people queued up to buy rice at a shop in Shanghai which had put up a notice saying, “We Do Not Sell Hunan Rice.” People believed that the rice from Hunan was mostly hybrid rice, which did not suit their taste.


  This incident shocked Yuan Longping. After the improved yield and disaster resistance, the market posed new challenges to him and his hybrid rice. Once again, he went to the fields to find ways to improve the quality and taste of rice. After many days of hard work in the fields, he found more free combinations of his two-line hybrid rice. There were richer inheritance resources to be used so that the probability of selecting good combinations was greatly increased. The quality of super-rice became excellent.


  One day Yuan Longping saw a farmer who looked to be of the same age as himself harvesting rice with his grandson. The rice variety was “Y Liangyou 1.” The old man told Yuan that this rice was good, but “it is too costly to grow.” The scientist was surprised. The seeds of the rice were given to agro-technical stations free of charge as part of demonstration projects. Did anyone charge the peasants for the seeds or what? The old man replied, “No. But because the rice tastes so good the growers have one or two more bowls of rice for themselves at each meal, so it seems that we cannot make much money since we don’t want to sell a lot of it to the market.” Yuan Longping laughed after hearing his words.


  At sunrise Yuan Longping puts on his straw hat and goes to the fields on his motorbike. He is a true cultivator who plants his wisdom and harvests the dream of helping all people escape hunger.


