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支招托福作文 | 学术讨论范文

发布时间:2024-10-08 关键词:托福作文

摘要:Your professor is teaching a class on environment. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.


  Your professor is teaching a class on environment. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

  In your response, you should do the following.

  - Express and support your opinion.

  - Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Achebe

  This week, we'll be discussing ways to address air pollution. One idea is introducing environmental taxes on air travel. Such taxes, also referred to as ecological taxes or green taxes, are extra charges that get added to the price of airplane tickets. Money collected from these taxes could be invested in environmentally friendly technologies or in promoting other, cleaner modes of transportation. Do you think there should be an environmental tax on air travel? Why or why not?


  We should impose environmental taxes on air travel. These taxes might encourage people to find cheaper, more eco-friendly ways to get to places. In my country many people use planes to fly a short distance because flights are relatively cheap, when they could just as easily take a less polluting form of transportation.


  Additional taxes on air travel will do little to solve the problem of air pollution. Airplane tickets would become more expensive, punishing passengers without incentiving airlines to become more environmentally friendly. The airlines should pay the price to protect the environment not their customers.


  I do not believe it is reasonable to tax passengers and airlines for the environmental impact of air travel. As Claire mentioned, green taxes do not incentivize newer and greener technologies—such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and hydrogen—that could mitigate the environmental effects of air travel, since the revenue generated from these taxes often goes into a state’s general fiscal budget rather than supporting the industry’s decarbonization efforts.【定语从句+原因状语从句】 Additionally, as fewer people opt to fly, the financial burden of a tax on airlines will restrict their ability to invest in newer, cleaner, and quieter aircraft and technologies, ultimately delaying and diminishing the associated environmental benefits.【原因状语从句+现在分词作状语】 While some researchers have demonstrated that taxation can have positive effects on environmental protection, these effects are primarily observed in budget airlines, whose passengers tend to travel shorter distances and are more price-sensitive.【定语从句】 In contrast, wealthier clients who fly more frequently are largely unaffected by the additional tax. Therefore, although the overarching goal of such taxation may seem laudable, it is actually an ineffective policy choice that negatively impacts both aviation companies and passengers.








  incentivize v. 刺激,鼓励

  例句:An example is retirement plans, which often offer tax advantages to incentivize savings for retirement.例如退休计划,该计划通常提供税收优惠,以鼓励人们为退休储蓄。

  mitigate v. 使缓和、减轻(危害等)

  例句:It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.还不清楚如何缓解旅游业对这个岛屿的影响。

  fiscal budget n. 财政预算

  decarbonization n. 脱碳(停止或减少含碳气体,尤指二氧化碳排放)

  budget airline n. 廉价航空公司(廉航)

  price-sensitive adj. (商品销售)对价格敏感的,易受价格变化影响的

  例句:Milk is a price-sensitive commodity for many families.很多家庭都对牛奶的价格变化很敏感。

  We know that cigarette consumption is extremely price-sensitive.


  laudable adj. (行为)值得赞扬的,值得称赞的

  例句:While all of these methods are laudable, the effectiveness of some depends on a number of factors.尽管所有这些措施都值得称赞,但是有些措施的有效性取决于很多因素。

  aviation n. 航空,航空工业


  As Claire mentioned, green taxes do not incentivize newer and greener technologies—such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and hydrogen—that could mitigate the environmental effects of air travel, since the revenue generated from these taxes often goes into a state’s general fiscal budget rather than supporting the industry’s decarbonization efforts.

  这句话的主句是“green taxes do not incentivize newer and greener technologies”,后面的“such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and hydrogen”是对“newer and greener technologies”的举例。“that”引导的定语从句修饰的是technologies。后面的since引导的原因状语从句解释说明了环境税不能促进环保技术发展的原因。


  As fewer people opt to fly, the financial burden of a tax on airlines will restrict their ability to invest in newer, cleaner, and quieter aircraft and technologies, ultimately delaying and diminishing the associated environmental benefits.



  These effects are primarily observed in budget airlines, whose passengers tend to travel shorter distances and are more price-sensitive.

  这句话中的定语从句解释说明了廉价航空公司的主要客户群体可能存在的特点。由于passengers与budget airlines之间存在从属关系,所以选择的关系代词是whose。



