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支招托福作文 | 学术讨论范文

发布时间:2024-10-12 关键词:托福作文

摘要:We’ve been discussing government budgets and the difficult decisions governments must make regarding the use of public funds. Some services are clearly essential and must be paid for by any government.


  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

  In your response, you should do the following.

  - Express and support your opinion.

  - Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Diaz

  We’ve been discussing government budgets and the difficult decisions governments must make regarding the use of public funds. Some services are clearly essential and must be paid for by any government. But what about public funding of the arts? Do you believe that governments should provide financial support to artists, for example, painters, sculptors, musicians, or filmmakers? Why or why not?



  I enjoy art as much as anyone does, but public funds come from taxes, and I don’t think taxpayers’ hard-earned money should be spent on impractical or inessential items and services. Artists should support themselves by selling their work to private individuals and companies. If they can’t find enough buyers, then maybe they should change careers.


  Personally, I think art actually is essential. Lots of public spaces in my hometown just wouldn’t be the same without artwork. From statues in public parks to murals painted on the walls of government buildings, my hometown really benefits from funding the artists who created these works. The public spaces are simply more enjoyable for visitors because of the artwork.


  I believe it is beneficial for governments to offer financial assistance to artists.【宾语从句+it形式主语】This is because arts play a significant role in stimulating economic growth by attracting audiences and creating job opportunities.【表语从句】For example, the Singaporean government provided a grant of approximately USD 3 million for six concerts by American musician Taylor Swift in March this year. On the one hand, the performances drew fans from both Singapore and abroad, leading to a remarkable surge in ticket sales, as well as bookings for flights, accommodations, and tourist attractions.【分词短语】Additionally, attendees spent on music albums, concert merchandise, and dining at nearby restaurants, all of which contributed substantially to Singapore’s economy.【非限定性定语从句】On the other hand, the influx of visitors for the concerts increased hotel occupancy rates and boosted restaurant traffic, prompting local businesses to hire additional staff to meet the heightened demand.【分词短语】It was estimated that the six concerts would generate an economic impact of USD 300 million to USD 400 million.【it形式主语+主语从句】While Claire’s idea is valid to some extent,【让步状语从句】she failed to mention that artists can bring in substantial revenue for themselves and the government without squandering taxpayer money. In conclusion, government funding for the arts yields economic returns and enhances public welfare.







  “On the one hand, the performances drew fans from both Singapore and abroad, leading to a remarkable surge in ticket sales, as well as bookings for flights, accommodations, and tourist attractions.” 这句话通过提及演唱会吸引国内外观众,带来了门票销售和旅游相关消费的激增,具体说明政府资助艺术是如何带动经济增长的。其中,分词短语起到了修饰和补充说明的作用。它描述了前半句“the performances drew fans from both Singapore and abroad”的结果,强调了演出吸引观众后所引发的经济活动,增强了句子的连贯性和逻辑性。


  “It was estimated that the six concerts would generate an economic impact of USD 300 million to USD 400 million.” 这个句子通过具体的经济数据支持论点,明确量化了演唱会对新加坡经济的积极影响,从而增强了论证的可信度。其中,“it”作为形式主语,替代了后面的主语从句“that the six concerts would generate an economic impact of USD 300 million to USD 400 million”,使句子更简洁流畅;主语从句提供了具体的信息,明确指出了演唱会对新加坡预计的经济影响,从而为论证提供了量化的支持,增强了整体的逻辑性和说服力。


  例句:The charity was awarded a grant to help provide clean water to rural communities.该慈善机构获得了一笔拨款,用于帮助提供清洁饮水给农村社区。

  surge(急剧上升):迅速上升、激增或突然的强烈运动。通常用来描述某种数量、情感或力量的突然剧增,常见搭配有:a surge of demand(需求激增)、a surge of emotions(情绪高涨)等。在文章中描绘了观众人数和相关消费的急剧增加,强调了艺术活动对经济的推动作用。

  例句:There is a surge in energy prices every winter.每年冬天能源价格都会激增。


  例句:During the National Day holiday, the city sees a huge influx of visitors who come to enjoy the celebrations and festivities.在国庆节假期期间,这座城市迎来了大量前来享受庆祝活动的游客。


  例句:The hotel’s occupancy has increased significantly during the holiday season.在假期期间,这家酒店的入住率显著增加。


  例句:The website experienced a surge in traffic after the advertisement was launched.广告发布后,网站的流量激增。

  heightened(增加的,增强的):heightened demand可以形容对某种需求或要求的增加。这种搭配常用于商业、市场或社会科学的语境中。

  例句:The heightened demand for renewable energy sources has prompted many companies to invest in sustainable technologies.对可再生能源的需求增加促使许多公司投资可持续技术。


  例句:He was squandering his inheritance on luxury cars and expensive vacations.他在奢华的汽车和昂贵的假期上浪费了他的遗产。


  例句:The government has increased funding for welfare programs to help families in need.政府已增加对福利项目的资金支持,以帮助有需要的家庭。



