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发布时间:2024-12-09 关键词:托福作文
摘要:In 1876, archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann claimed to have found an impressive gold mask in a 3,500-year-old Greek tomb
In 1876, archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann claimed to have found an impressive gold mask in a 3,500-year-old Greek tomb. The mask was believed to belong to a great warrior king of ancient Greece. Some archaeologists, however, have suggested that the warrior king's mask may be a fake. To create publicity, Schliemann may have hired a goldsmith to make the mask and then pretended to discover it in an ancient tomb at a site where he was excavating, or digging. Several factors suggest that the mask is a fake.
First, Schliemann had a history of fake discoveries. For example, Schliemann once bought an ancient statue from someone, took it to a site that was being excavated, and then claimed to have discovered the statue there. We should be skeptical about the warrior king's mask, given Schliemann's dishonest behavior on other occasions.
Second, there are notable differences between Schliemann's mask and genuine ancient Greek masks that have been found in other tombs. Schliemann's warrior king mask has a mouth with well-defined lips. Other Greek masks have mouths that are more or less flat. Also, the warrior king's mask has a pointed beard that doesn't resemble the facial hair represented on any of the other gold masks.
Third, Schliemann closed the site where he was excavating soon after the mask was found. That seems quite suspicious. Most archaeologists would have continued to work at the site after finding such an object in the hope of gaining knowledge about it. Many questions about the mask - whom it represented, what its function was - could have possibly been answered by further examination of the site. Schliemann's abrupt closing of the site indicates that he did not need to find out more about the mask because he knew it was a fake.
e.g. For example, such as , like
vs. versus / against
√ agree / true
X not / no / disagree/ wrong
∵ because/ as / since/ for
∴ so / thus,/ therefore / consequently,/ as a result,
w/ with/ have / possess
w/o without
= be equal to / the same as / means
≈ be similar to / almost .../ be close to
≠ not the same / unlike
@ aim to / at / point to
+and / add / compound with / combine with
↑ increase / improve / enhance
↓ decrease/ deteriorate / degrade / worsen
→ lead to / give rise to / contribute to / make / result in
← result from / stem from / come from / originate from
-except for / not including / exclude
> contain / better / more
< less than / fewer than
The lecture asserts that factors suggesting the mask is fake in the reading passage are all unconvincing.
First, while the author doubts the authenticity of the mask given Schliemann's dishonest behavior of claiming a bought statue as a newly discovered one, the lecturer deems it unlikely for Schliemann to have placed a fake mask in the tomb without being caught. This is mainly because his work was closely watched by a supervisor appointed by the Greek government. Obviously, working under close surveillance makes it impossible for him to do anything dishonest.
Second, despite the discrepancies mentioned in the reading passage, the lecture still lends credibility to the genuineness of Schliemann’s mask by pointing out the fact that another clearly ancient and authentic artifact with similar features to Schliemann’s mask was discovered in the same site. This artifact was in the shape of a lion’s head with well-defined lips, just like those on the king’s mask. Besides, the exterior appearance and finer details of the lion’s beard also resembled that of the king’s mask. So, it seems that one ancient goldsmith made both objects, the lion’s head and the king’s mask discovered by Schliemann, implying that the mask is genuine.
Third, the suspicious behavior of closing the excavation shortly after the discovery of the mask in the author’s view would have been quite normal in Schliemann’s time from the lecturer’s perspective. Actually, Schliemann, as a treasure hunter, just like many other archaeologists then, prioritized finding valuable objects over understanding the cultures behind. Also, he was experienced enough to judge when most treasures have been found and conclude no valuable things were left. So, there is no question about the timing of stopping exploring.
unconvincing adj. 不易令人信服的; 没有说服力的
例句:His arguments for changing the rules were unconvincing.他改变规则的论点并不令人信服。
authenticity n. 可靠性;确实性;真实性
例句:The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity of the painting. 博物馆正在请专家鉴定那幅画的真伪。
surveillance n. 盯梢, 监视
例句:The bank robbery was recorded by surveillance video cameras.银行抢劫案被监控摄像机记录下来。
discrepancy n. 差异,不符合(之处);不一致(之处) ; (多用于言论和记述方面,指两物之间缺乏使之相似或平衡的协调 )
例句:Discrepancies in the firm's financial statements led to an investigation.该公司财务报表的差异导致了调查。
lend credibility 增加可信度 (使某事物更加可信或可靠)
例句:Going public can also lend credibility and intimidate competitors.上市还能增加可信度,并吓退竞争对手。
genuineness n. 真实
例句:The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature. 笔迹专家作证该签名无讹。
well-defined adj. 清晰可辨的; 容易辨认的
例句:Policies that are well-defined, transparent, and have the support of the workforce lead to improved retention rates.明确、透明并得到员工支持的策略可以提高保留率。
resemble vt. 像…, 类似于
例句:He strongly resembles his father in appearance and in temperament.他在外表和气质上都与他的父亲非常相似。
suspicious adj. 可疑的;表示怀疑的
例句:We were instructed to report any suspicious activity in the neighborhood.我们被要求报告附近的任何可疑活动。
prioritize vt. 把…区分优先次序
例句:The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people.这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。