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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语话题:地图和词典


发布时间:2014-11-19 关键词:雅思口语话题:地图和词典

摘要:以下是北京新航道雅思培训小编整理的雅思口语高频话题:地图和词典maps and dictionaries,供大家参考练习:Do you often use a map?Will you ask a stranger the way when you are in a new place?Which do you prefer, a paper map or an e-map?

  以下是北京新航道雅思培训小编整理的雅思口语高频话题:地图和词典maps and dictionaries,供大家参考练习:


  Do you often use a map?

  Yeah, I have a GoogleMap downloaded on my cell phone. It is super convenient. Whenever I am going to a new place, I will type the key word in it, and then just follow the guide and I will never miss it.

  Will you ask a stranger the way when you are in a new place?

  Well, to be honest, I hardly ever do it for two reasons. First, I can’t make sure whether that person is local or not. Another point is that even if that person is local, I might still get the wrong information. I had this experience before,which was quite time-wasting and frustrating, so I trust maps more.

  Which do you prefer, a paper map or an e-map?

  I definitely go for the e-map because e-map can be updated anytime anywhere, while a paper map can be quite out when some new roads and new buildings come up.


  Do you often use adictionary when you study?

  Absolutely! Whenever I find a new word, I will look it up in the dictionary, which is really handy.

  And it enables me to know everything about the word: the meaning, the detailed explanation,example sentences even the pronunciation.

  Do you love to use the paper dictionary or e-dictionary?

  I would go for thee lectronic dictionary. It is super convenient, by which I mean, I can use it anywhere anytime I want. And it weights almost nothing. More over, the best partis that e-dictionary can give me the recorded pronunciation.

  How do you fee lwhen someone gives you a dictionary?

  As a gift from others, I suppose it is always good, but honestly, since I have one already, I don’t think it is necessary for me to keep two in the same time.
