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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 雅思写作还能科学地临时“抱佛脚”?



发布时间:2021-12-21 关键词:雅思写作

摘要: 很多同学抱怨平时学业负担太重,雅思写作准备时间不多,临近考试有没有科学的方法?





  1.There be ..

  2.It is adj+ to do 形式主语、宾语 (find / make adj. to do sth.)

  e.g. youngsters may find it possible to communicate with others from different cultural backgrounds, when traveling abroad.





  1.定语从句:限制性定语从句(that / which / who / where / when)

  非限制性定语从句which-划重点,这个句型在表示结果关系时非常好用。Travelling abroad make it possible for youngsters to communicate with others from different cultural backgrounds, which allows them to gain an insight into various ways of thinking.


  主语从句it is adj. + that

  宾语从句some people argue that ..

  表语从句my view is that …

  同位语从句 I hold the perspective that …


  原因since /as

  结果so that

  让步 whilst

  条件if / as long as

  时间when /after / before

  4.并列句 – and/ but

  准备考试时,可以按照先模仿句子,再进行翻译练习,逐渐形成自己的语法写作模式,比如刚才列举的结构中可以使用before/ after , which 结构论证。A:科技发展B:药物被发明使用C:寿命延长了

  When scientists and technologies are pushing back the frontier of knowledge, a wide range of medicines has been invented to prevent and treat a large number of fatal diseases, which provides possibilities for humans to improve their physical health and to live longer.

  一般来说,大作文论证部分首尾固定,中间论证结构可以灵活使用,在形成自己的语法模板之后,可以转换语法方式进行表达,例如上一句中的whichprovides 就可以换成providing:

  When scientists and technologies are pushing back the frontier ofknowledge, a wide range of medicines has been invented to prevent andtreat a large number of fatal diseases, providingpossibilities for humans to improve their physical health and to livelonger.



  C10 T3: Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive and negative development?


  Finally, tourism numbers may also be affected, as travellers become disillusioned with finding every place just the some as the one they visited previously. To see the same products in shops the world over is boring, and does not impel visitors to open their wallets in the same way that trinkets or souvenirs unique to the particular area do.人们发现自己对于旅游的地方不再抱有期待,因为以前去过,不再愿意主动掏钱买纪念品,小装饰品,因为发现商品都类似,很无聊。


  1. 游客会帮助传统文化的传播。请列举细节

  2. 电脑游戏导致学生上瘾的原因。请列举

  3. 学生可以在课外活动中学到很多的技能。请列举

  4. 有一些工作是更适合男性的,有一些是更适合女性的。请列举

  5. 对于交通违规,有很多的处罚方式。请列举


  1. 游客会帮助传统文化的传播。请列举

  Tourists may promote culture spreading by various ways, or more precisely they often post pictures or videos on social networking,and talk their traveling stories to their friends or families.

  2. 电脑游戏导致学生上瘾的原因。请列举

  Gaming can be highly addictive because users are constantly givenscores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Many children now spend hours each day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get a higher score than their friends.

  3. 学生可以在课外活动中学到很多的技能。请列举

  Extracurricular activities help students to gain many skills in terms of how to communicate with others, how to cooperate with others, how to manage their time, how to organize an activity, how to cook adelicious meal, and how to manage their pocket money.

  4. 有一些工作是适合男性的,有一些是适合女性的。请列举

  Patients in all-female hospital wards, for example, would probably appreciate having female nurses to look after them. It could also be argued that certain jobs requiring a great deal of physical strength,coal mining or logging, for example, should continue to bedone mainly by men.

  5. 对于交通违规,有很多的处罚方式

  There are various types of driving penalties, such as small fines,license suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences.

