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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 雅思7分是什么水平?雅思7分句段怎么写?


发布时间:2022-07-28 关键词:雅思7分是什么水平 雅思7分




  In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, like clothing and medicines.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  1. Today, humans have already found or created a great variety ofsubstitutes for animals’ furs.

  2. Those materials can also make good clothes, and some materials are even more comfortable, functional, or durable.

  3. For example, some fabrics can produce lightweight jackets that are as wind resistant and warm keeping as those made from furs.

  4. There may be better features: they may be waterproof or hard tobe ripped.

  5. In addition, for people who need expensive furs to display their wealth or to tickle their vanity, more and more manufacturers are changing this mindset.

  6. They have been joining the campaign for using alternative leather, which is also rare and requires delicate craftsmanship in production.


  一、内容维度(TR):*** 特别重要 ***

  * 第1句和第2句组合起来,是整个段落的“中心思想”。核心内容在于“a great variety of substitutes”以及“make good clothes … even more comfortable, functional, ordurable”。

  * 第3—6句,就着“中心思想”展开来论述。

  * 第3—6句中,有并列的两部分内容。

  * 第3—4句是一部分内容,并且,两句话之间还有【递进】关系。

  * 第5—6句是并列的另一个内容,两句话之间是【总分】关系。

  二、文脉逻辑维度(CC):*** 尤其重要 ***

  * 整体采用【总分】脉络展开。

  * 具体见“内容维度(TR)”中的说明。


  1. a great variety of = “许多各种各样的”

  2. substitute = “替代品”(可数)

  3. comfortable = “令人感到舒适的”

  4. functional = “有功能性的”

  5. durable = “耐用的”

  6. fabric = “织物”(可数)

  7. lightweight = “轻量的”

  8. wind resistant = “抗风的”

  9. warm keeping = “保暖的”

  10. feature = “特点”(可数)

  11. waterproof = “防水的”

  12. be ripped = “被撕坏”

  13. display = “展示”(及物动词)

  14. tickle = “满足”(及物动词)

  15. vanity = “虚荣”

  16. manufacturer = “生产商”(可数)

  17. mindset = “心态”

  18. join = “加入、参与”(及物动词)

  19. campaign = “活动”

  20. rare = “少见的”

  21. delicate = “精湛的”

  22. craftsmanship = “做工”


  * 本段没有特殊的句型,都是基础句型哟,并不影响把作文写好。

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