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支招雅思小作文 | 英国学生选择大学的原因

发布时间:2023-07-14 关键词:雅思小作文

摘要:[2023/ 7/ 8] The chart shows the reasons why UK students choose one university between 1985 and 2000.

  [2023/ 7/ 8] The chart shows the reasons why UK students choose one university between 1985 and 2000.




  - Body 1:Degree course + how close to home + Teaching(上升)

  - Body 2:Resources + sport facilities(下降)



  The bar chart illustrates why British students decided to study in a particular university from 1985 to 2000.


  Overall, compared with the initial year, less students chose this university because of resources and sports facilities, but the figures for applications due to other factors showed a rising trend. Also, degree course was the main reason for students to study in this university in the given period.


  - 趋势:2↓,剩余↑

  - degree course数值保持

  【Body 1】

  We can see that in the original year, the proportion of candidates who applied to this university due to degree courses ranked the top(35%). By contrast, only 10% of the surveyed students decided to study there based on the distance to their home, and this figure was half of the figure for those attracted by the sports facilities. Also, the proportion of students who were satisfied with the resources was almost twice the figure for those who preferred the teaching quality , with the figure of 27% and 15% respectively.


  - degree course

  - how close to home,是sports facilities的一半

  - resources几乎是teaching的2倍

  【Body 2】

  Subsequently, the following 5 years witnessed a slight rise in the proportions of applications because of degree course and teaching, with the figure growing by 5%. Meanwhile, the percentage of prospective students considering the distance from home almost tripled in 2000. By contrast, there emerged a marginal drop to 15% in the figure for candidates who liked the sports facilities. The percentage of students who were willing to study in this university for rich resources kept relatively stable until 2000.


  - degree course和teaching:小幅度上升

  - how close to home:几乎上升了3倍

  - sports facilities:轻微下降

  - resources:保持平稳
