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6月8日雅思大作文示范写作 | 国际往来是否削弱民族身份感

发布时间:2024-06-12 关键词:雅思大作文示范写作



  Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between counties as a positive development. Others, However, feel these lead to the loss of national identities. Discuss both view and give your opinion.




  Struggling with one’s national identity is not rare for people living in a foreign country, while this struggle is worried to be an unwanted byproduct of increasing trans-boundary fusion in business and culture. For my part, I think all of this anxiety is way overblown.





  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ struggle with 挣扎

  ❖ an unwanted byproduct 不想要的副产品

  ❖ trans-boundary fusion 跨界融合

  ❖ overblown 被夸大的adj.

  Body 1

  Fear for diluted ethnic identities is mainly backed up by three major arguments. First, unprecedented levels of diversity, stemming from immigration and corporation expansion, make pathway to indigenous way of life less likely. Second, mounting consumption of globally-known brands could foster a cosmopolitan lifestyle that often goes counter to exploration of the collective memory that brings insight into a unique national psyche. The third argument for backlash against global integration is the cultural inadaptability. Being a far cry from where ancestors used to live, the locale is awash with modernity-snobs who shrug off over distinctive cultural practices and rituals as simply as the consequence of backward societies.




  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ diluted adj.被稀释的

  ❖ be backed up by 被支持

  ❖ unprecedented 前所未有的

  ❖ diversity 多样性 n.

  ❖ pathway to通往某地的道路

  ❖ indigenous 本地的/当地的

  ❖ mounting 越来越多的

  ❖ globally-known 世界知名的

  ❖ foster 培育/发展v.

  ❖ cosmopolitan lifestyle 国际化的生活方式

  ❖ goes counter to 与某物相悖

  ❖ collective memory 集体记忆

  ❖ psyche 心智

  ❖ backlash against 对某物的抨击

  ❖ inadaptability 不适应性n.

  ❖ a far cry from 远非某物

  ❖ locale 当地

  ❖ be awash with 充满某物

  ❖ modernity-snobs 现代主义势利者

  ❖ shrug off over 不屑一顾

  ❖ practices 习俗

  ❖ rituals 仪式

  ❖ backward 落后的

  Body 2

  But there is a more visionary argument that cannot be downplayed; deeply-ingrained cultural characteristics could be incorporated into business and cultural practices. World Exposition 2025 in Osaka, for instance, offers an access to showcasing embodiment of divergent cultures to international visitors, who are invited to take more pride in their own country. A similar level of integration could be observed in locally-adapted menu of international fast-food chains. Crayfish tacos are served only in Shanghai, and tikka masalaburritos are only found at Taco Bell India. Better yet, international efforts battling to eradicate poverty, illiteracy and gender inequality have not ended in failure in some faltering societies, whose children might grow up in a world without these hurdles.




  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ visionary 更有远见的

  ❖ downplay 对某事轻描淡写/贬低

  ❖ deeply-ingrained 根深蒂固的

  ❖ be incorporated into 融入

  ❖ World Exposition 世界博览会(是一种国际性的展览会,旨在展示各国的科技、文化、经济等方面的成就和发展。参展国家和地区可以展示他们的创新、发明和文化遗产)

  ❖ Osaka 大阪(日本本州岛西南岸港市)

  ❖ showcase 展示v.

  ❖ embodiment 体现/化身n.

  ❖ take more pride in 以某事为傲

  ❖ observed 观察/察觉

  ❖ locally-adapted 本地化的

  ❖ crayfish tacos 小龙虾玉米饼

  ❖ tikka masala burritos 蒂卡马萨拉:一种起源于印度的浓郁香料烹饪的菜肴,通常由鸡肉、番茄、洋葱、奶油和香料制成

  ❖ battle 抗击v.

  ❖ eradicate 根除v.

  ❖ illiteracy 文盲n.

  ❖ gender inequality 性别不平等

  ❖ ended in failure 以失败告终

  ❖ faltering 步履蹒跚的adj.

  ❖ hurdles 阻碍 n.

  Ending Paragraph

  In a conclusion, the question of whether globalization in business and culture could undermine native common ethnic memory has poisoned many people with pessimistic mentality; sneering at one’s dialects or failing to recognize deep-rooted rituals is the result of a complex interaction of factors, rather than simple connection with the outside world.




  不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

  ❖ undermine 破坏v.

  ❖ common ethnic memory 共同的民族记忆

  ❖ poison 毒害 v.

  ❖ pessimistic mentality 悲观心态

  ❖ sneer at 冷嘲热讽

  ❖ dialects 方言

  ❖ deep-rooted 根深蒂固的

  ❖ a complex interaction of factors 多种因素复杂互动



