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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 支招雅思小作文I 地图 一个村庄的变化

支招雅思小作文I 地图 一个村庄的变化

发布时间:2024-06-14 关键词:雅思小作文

摘要:The maps show the changes in Shalton Village from 1910 to 2010.

   The maps show the changes in Shalton Village from 1910 to 2010.






  The maps compare the layout of Shalton Village in 1910 and 2010.


  It is clear that the village had witnessed significant changes in the given period, including the expansion of accommodation areas and the reduction of green spaces.


  - 该村庄变化巨大

  - 住宅区增多,绿化区减少

  【Body 1】

  We can see that the village mainly occupied a triangular place. In 1910, there was a large house in the center, with some trees surrounded nearby. To the south, a grocery store, a house and a baker were located on the northern side of High Street, just opposite another two group of houses. This street intersected with School Road and London Road. On the former road, a butcher shop was built in the middle, with a school constructed to the south and a housing unit sited to the north. However, apart from a post office on the intersection with School Road, there were no other facilities on London Road.


  - 占据三角形区域

  - 中央是一个large house, 周围被树环绕

  - 南边,在High Street北边有一个grocery、一个house和一个baker,马路对面有两个house

  - School Road中间有个butcher shop,它的南边是一个school, 北边是一组house

  - High Street和School Road、London Road相交

  - London Road和School Road交叉口有个post office,除此之外没有其他设施

  【Body 2】

  Subsequently, remarkable changes had taken place to this village after 100 years. The previous large house and surrounding trees in the center were removed to make way for a newly built branch road leading to London Road, with some houses distributed on both sides. Noticeably, 4 units of housing had been constructed on the northern side of London Road. On the south of High Street, we can see the addition of two groups of houses, whereas a Cafe had taken up the place of the former facilities on the opposite side. In terms of School Road, although the initial school and post office remained unchanged, the previous butcher shop was transformed into a supermarket, and a separate parking space was available for customers. To the north of it, a bank was added on the original site of houses.


  - 原来中间的large house、周边的树消失,London Road新建了一条岔路,两边有house

  - London Road:新增4组house

  - High Street:南边新增2组house,但一个Cafe取代了原先对面的设施

  - School Road:school和post office无变化;butcher shop改建成有独立parking的supermarket;北边house改建成bank



